Module SXY-4010:
Transnational Crime
Transnational Crime 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Tim Holmes
Course Outline Study of Transnational Crime Study of Terrorism Study of State Crime Study of Organised Crime Study of ID theft Study of Illegal immigration and Human trafficking Study of Trafficking in arms and drugs Study of Crime and Sport Study of eCrime
Assessment Strategy
50-59% / C- to C+ -threshold -Students should be able to describe and understand the substantive topic/s and present written work that is generally comprehensible and focuses on the question asked.
60-69% B- to B+ -good -Students should be able to explain with accuracy and critically appreciate the appropriate theoretical and empirical issues of the substantive topic/s and locate these within a wider social and political context; show evidence of understanding of a range of complex material and summarise arguments with accuracy.
70% + / A- to A* -excellent -Students should be able to engage in critical analysis of a wide and complex range of material and summarise the arguments with accuracy; relate an understanding of key concepts to perspectives within and beyond the discipline of criminology and criminal justice; present written work of a high level of accuracy and fluency.
Learning Outcomes
- Be conversant with methodological issues faced when researching transnational crime.
- Display an understanding and practical skill in applying comparative analysis to the study of transnational crime.
- Gain an understanding of different terrorist and organised crime groups.
- Have a detailed knowledge of selected cases of transnational crime and relating criminological and/or criminal justice research.
- Understand the value and appreciate the problems of applying an internationally comparative perspective to problems of crime and deviance.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Literature review
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Poster Presentation
Due date