Modules for course V5V6 | BA/PER
BA Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
Year 1 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
HPS-1004 Death of God
(Semester 1)
VPC-1303 Cyflwyniad i Gristnogaeth
(Semester 1)
VPR-1303 Introduction to Christianity
(Semester 1)
VPR-1331 Morality's Judgment
(Semester 1)
HPS-1007 Islam:Hist, Soc and Beliefs
(Semester 1)
VPR-1110 Themes - Eastern Religion/Phil
(Semester 2)
VPR-1102 Intro to Ancient Philosophy
(Semester 2)
HPS-1005 Existentialism
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
HPS-2206 Sex and Society
(Semester 1)
HPS-2009 Exorcism
(Semester 1)
SXS-2035 Classical Social Theory
(Semester 1)
VPR-2400 Buddhism in the Modern World
(Semester 1)
VPR-2220 Political Philosophy
(Semester 2)
VPR-2050 The Existential Struggle
(Semester 2)
UXS-2803 AI Ethics
(Semester 2)
Judaism in the Modern World
The student may not take more than
1 module.
VPC-2404 Iddewiaeth yn Byd Modern
(Semester 2)
VPR-2404 Judaism in the Modern World
(Semester 2)
20th Century Phil of Religion
The student may not take more than
1 module.
VPC-2301 Athroniaeth Crefydd 20 ganrif
(Semester 2)
VPR-2301 20th Century Phil of Religion
(Semester 2)
Work Placement The student may not take more than 1
HAC-2005 Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
HPS-2005 Work Placement - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
Medieval Philosophy The student may not take more than 1 of
the modules in Medieval Philosophy
VPR-2000 Medieval Philosophy 2024-25
(Semester 1)
VPC-2000 Athroniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol 2
(Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
Compulsory Modules The student must take 40 credits from
the modules.
HAC-3006 Traethawd Hir
(Full Term)
HPS-3006 Dissertation
(Full Term)
Optional Modules The student must take 80 credits from
the modules in Optional Modules. HPS-3008 Sociology of
Religion cannot be chosen if already taken in year 2.
HPS-3206 Sex and Society
(Semester 1)
VPR-3400 Buddhism in the Modern World
(Semester 1)
HPS-3009 Exorcism
(Semester 1)
VPR-3220 Political Philosophy
(Semester 2)
UXS-3083 AI Ethics
(Semester 2)
HPS-3015 Serial Killers
(Semester 2)
VPR-3050 The Existential Struggle
(Semester 2)
HPS-3003 Race democracy * pol ideology
(Semester 2)
20th Century Phil of Religion
The student may not take more than 1
VPR-3331 20th Century Phil of Religion
(Semester 2)
VPC-3331 Athroniaeth Crefydd yr 20fed G
(Semester 2)
Medieval Philosophy The student may not take more than 1
VPC-3000 Athroniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol 2
(Semester 1)
VPR-3000 Medieval Philosophy 2024-25
(Semester 1)
Judaism in the modern world
The student may not take more than 1
VPC-3404 Iddewiaeth yn y Byd Modern
(Semester 2)
VPR-3404 Judaism in the Modern World
(Semester 2)