Modules for course VVV1 | BA/PRH
BA Philosophy and Religion and History
Year 2 Modules
Optional Modules
60 credits from:
- HPS-2004: 20th Century Ideas & Movements (20) (Semester 2)
- HPS-2005: Work Placement - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2) or
HAC-2005: Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2) - HGC-2007: Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif (20) (Semester 2)
- HPS-2055: Making History (20) (Semester 2)
- HTA-2116: Later Prehistoric Communities (20) (Semester 1)
- HTA-2120: Rethinking Archaeology (20) (Semester 1)
- HTC-2123: Owain Glynd?r a'i Fudiad (20) (Semester 1)
- HTA-2126: Geoarchaeology (20) (Semester 2)
- HTW-2127: Wales, Renaissance & Europe (20) (Semester 2)
- HTH-2150: Britain in the Jazz Age (20) (Semester 2)
- Over Levels 5 and 6 (Year 2 and 3) students must take 2 General Modules - those with a code beginning HGH, HGW or HGC.
60 credits from:
- HAC-2005: Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2) or
HPS-2005: Work Placement - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2) - HPS-2005: Work Placement - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2) or
HAC-2005: Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2 (20) (Semester 2)
Year 3 Modules
Compulsory Modules
Semester 1
- HPS-3006: Dissertation (40) or
HAC-3006: Traethawd Hir (40)
Semester 2
20 to 40 credits from:
- HPS-3006: Dissertation (40) (Semester 1 + 2) or
HAC-3006: Traethawd Hir (40) (Semester 1 + 2) - HSH-3045: Nationalism in the UK (20) (Semester 1)
- Students must take EITHER the Dissertation OR a Special Subject, while ensuring that they have taken 60 credits in History in total during Year 3.
Optional Modules
20 to 40 credits from:
- HPS-3001: Work Placement (20) (Semester 2) or
HAC-3001: Lleoliad Gwaith (20) (Semester 2) - HGC-3007: Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif (20) (Semester 2)
- HSH-3040: The Glorious Revolution, 1685 (20) (Semester 1)
- HTH-3110: The Guardians of Heritage (20) (Semester 1)
- HTA-3116: Later Prehistoric Communities (20) (Semester 1)
- HTC-3123: Owain Glyndwr a'i Fudiad (20) (Semester 1)
- HTW-3123: Owain Glyndwr and his Movement (20) (Semester 1) or
HTC-3123: Owain Glyndwr a'i Fudiad (20) (Semester 1) - HTA-3125: Time and Tide (20) (Semester 2)
- HTA-3126: Geoarchaeology (20) (Semester 2)
- HTW-3127: Wales, Renaissance & Europe (20) (Semester 2)
- HGH-3133: The Tudors 1485-1603 (20) (Semester 1)
- HGH-3138: Europe 1945-1992 (20) (Semester 1)
- HGH-3139: Norman Sicily (20) (Semester 2)
- HTH-3150: Britain in the Jazz Age (20) (Semester 2)
- Please note that students must take a general module (those with a code beginning HGH/HGC/HGW) at level 6 if they did not take one at level 5
20 credits from:
- VPR-3000: Medieval Philosophy 2024-25 (20) (Semester 1) or
VPC-3000: Athroniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol 2 (20) (Semester 1) - HPS-3009: Exorcism (20) (Semester 1)
- VPR-3050: The Existential Struggle (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3083: AI Ethics (20) (Semester 2)
- HPS-3206: Sex and Society (20) (Semester 1)
- VPR-3220: Political Philosophy (20) (Semester 2)
- VPR-3331: 20th Century Phil of Religion (20) (Semester 2) or
VPC-3331: Athroniaeth Crefydd yr 20fed G (20) (Semester 2) - VPR-3400: Buddhism in the Modern World (20) (Semester 1)
- VPR-3404: Judaism in the Modern World (20) (Semester 2) or
VPC-3404: Iddewiaeth yn y Byd Modern (20) (Semester 2) - Students must choose 20 credits from the Optional modules in Philosophy/Religion