Modules for course WW38 | BA/MUSCW
BA Music and Creative Writing
Year 1 Modules
Compulsory Modules: Music History
Modules The
student must take a minimum of 20 credits from the modules
in Music History Modules. The same module cannot be taken in
English and Welsh.
WXM-1300 Music since 1850
(Semester 1)
WXC-1300 Cerddoriaeth Ers 1850
(Semester 1)
WXM-1301 Music as Cultural History
(Semester 2)
WXC-1301 Cerddoriaeth fel Hanes Diwylli
(Semester 2)
Creative Writing Compulsory
QXP-1001 Creative Writing: Fact and Fic
(Full Term)
QXP-1003 Creative Writing: Poetry
(Full Term)
QXE-1013 Reading, Thinking, Writing
(Semester 1)
Music Options The student must take 20-40 credits from
the modules in Music Options, ensuring that the total number
of Music credits taken adds up to 60. The same module cannot
be taken in English and Welsh.
WXC-1016 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 1
(Full Term)
WXP-1016 Solo Performance Year 1
(Full Term)
WXM-1004 Melody and Harmony
(Semester 1)
WXC-1113 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig A
(Semester 1)
WXK-1113 Composition and Sonic Art A
(Semester 1)
WXC-1004 Melodi a Harmoni
(Semester 1)
WXK-1114 Composition and Sonic Art B
(Semester 2)
WXC-1114 Cyfansoddi a Chelf Sonig B
(Semester 2)
Year 2 Modules
Music Compulsory Modules
The student must take between 20
and 60 credits from the modules.
WXK-2235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXM-2205 Practical Musicology
(Semester 2)
WXC-2011 or WXM-2011 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2011 Cerddoleg Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXM-2011 Musicology Year 2
(Semester 2)
WXC-2233 or WXK-2233 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2233 Cyfansoddi Blwyddyn 2
(Semester 2)
WXK-2233 Composition Year 2
(Semester 2)
WXC-2241 or WXP-2241 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2241 Perfformio Unawdol Blwyddyn 2
(Full Term)
WXP-2241 Solo Performance Year 2
(Full Term)
Creative Writing Compulsory Modules
The student must take at least 2
QXP-2004 Creative Writing: The Novel
(Semester 1)
QXP-2009 Creative Non-Fiction
(Semester 1)
QXP-2001 C/Writing: Poetry & Short Fict
(Semester 2)
Music Optional Modules The student must take between 0 and 40
credits from the modules in Music Optional Modules, ensuring
that the total number of Music credits taken adds up to
WXP-2307 Ensembles and Groups A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2304 Genres and Composers B
(Semester 2)
WXC-2303 or WXM-2303 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2303 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr A
(Semester 1)
WXM-2303 Genres and Composers A
(Semester 1)
WXC-2232 or WXK-2232 The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2232 Cerddorfaeth Heddiw
(Semester 1)
WXK-2232 Orchestration Today
(Semester 1)
Creative Writing Optional Modules
The student may not take more than
1 module.
QXP-2093 Experimental Writing
(Semester 1)
WXS-2001 Writers' Room (Screenwriting)
(Semester 2)
Community Arts Placement / Lleoliad Cymunedol
Celfyddydol The student may not take more than 1
WXC-2269 Lleoliad Cymunedol Celfyddydol
(Semester 1)
WXM-2269 Community Arts Placement
(Semester 1)
Year 3 Modules
Compulsory Projects PROJECTS: Students must choose at least
ONE Project, either in Music or in other subject. Students
are welcome to choose more than one project, one in each
subject. Students may not take both the English and Welsh
version of the same project module.
Creative Writing The student may not take more than 1
UXB-3901 Creative Practice Project
(Full Term)
QXP-3099 Creative Writing Dissertation
(Full Term)
Music The student may not take more than 1
WXC-3277 Project Cerddoreg
(Full Term)
WXC-3289 Cyfansoddi (project)
(Full Term)
WXC-3298 Project Perfformio Unawdol
(Full Term)
WXP-3298 Solo Performance Project
(Full Term)
WXM-3277 Musicology Project
(Full Term)
WXM-3283 Practical Musicology Project
(Full Term)
WXK-3289 Composition Project
(Full Term)
Creative Writing Modules
The student must take between 20
and 60 credits from the modules.
QXP-3025 Fantastic Fictions
(Semester 1)
QXP-3093 Experimental Writing
(Semester 1)
QXP-3109 Creative Non-Fiction
(Semester 1)
QXP-3110 Short Sharp Shocks
(Semester 2)
Practical Digital Journalism
The student may not take more than 1
UXC-3033 Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf
(Semester 1)
UXS-3033 Practical Digital Journalism
(Semester 1)
Music Modules The student must take between 20 and 60
credits from the modules.
WXK-3235 Acousmatic Composition
(Semester 1)
WXP-3111 Ensembles and Groups B
(Semester 1)
WXM-3306 Genres and Composers D
(Semester 2)
WXM-3205 Practical musicology
(Semester 2)
WXM-3270 Music Teaching in Context
(Semester 2)
Community Arts Placement
The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules.
WXM-3311 Community Arts Placement
(Semester 1)
WXC-3311 Lleoliad Cymunedol Celfyddodol
(Semester 1)
Genres a Chyfansoddwyr C | Genres and
Composers C The student may not take more than 1
WXC-3305 Genres a Chyfansoddwyr C
(Semester 1)
WXM-3305 Genres and Composers C
(Semester 1)