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The Doctoral School team at Bangor University is here to provide support and guide our Postgraduate Research candidates throughout their journey.

Meet the Team

Professor Paul Spencer in a lab at Bangor University

  Professor Paul Spencer's profile

 Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Head of the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

  +44 (0)1248 382738

  Bangor University

Professor Paul Spencer is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (PVC) for Research and Innovation and Head of the College of Science and Engineering.

As PVC, Paul has responsibility for leading and implementing the University’s Research and Impact Strategy and doctoral training.

He also has oversight of the University’s commercialisation strategy and business engagement, including M-Sparc, Bangor University’s science park on Anglesey. He provides strategic leadership on external partnerships that have an impact on economic development and the North Wales wider skills agenda, and he is the academic lead for student employability.

Paul received a B.Sc. degree in Applied Physics and a Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bath in 1990 and 1994. He was a research assistant on several EPSRC funded research projects at the University of Bath before moving to a lecturer post at Bangor University in 1996. He became a senior lecturer in 2003 and received a Personal Chair in 2006. In 2007 he was appointed Head of the School of Electronic Engineering, a post he held for seven years. In 2009 he was appointed Head of the College of Physical and Applied Sciences and in 2017 he was appointed Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

His main research interests are semiconductor laser dynamics, optical feedback effects, pulse propagation, and optical waveguide properties of optoelectronic devices. He has been an author on more than 100 journal papers and 140 conference papers and is a regular reviewer of archival journals. In 2000 he won the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) best engineering award and he is also a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.

 Professor Sue Niebrzydowskis profile

Prof Sue Niebrzydowski at Bangor University Library

Dean of Postgraduate Research; Professor in Medieval Literature / Director of Research Postgraduate Studies

  01248 382111

  Bangor University: New Arts

Professor Niebrzydowski is a professor of medieval literature in the School of Arts, Culture and Language and one of the Directors of the Stephen Colclough Centre for the History and Culture of the Book. Sue specializes in medieval women’s engagement with literary culture and practice, topics on which she has published widely. Sue has successfully supervised doctoral candidates on topics as diverse as the erotic in Chaucer, medieval women’s use of mercantile language, the novels of Octavia Butler, dragons, and the liturgical celebration of the Feast of the Visitation.     

Interim Contact: 

Dr Saskia Pagella

 Head of Integrated Research & Impact Service (IRIS) 




Doctoral School Administrator Aashu Jayadeep on the Terrace, outside Main Arts Building

 Doctoral School Administrator

   +44(0)1248 382357

  First Floor, Main Arts Building, Bangor University, Bangor

Aashu joined Bangor University initially as a student to do her second Masters in Business Administration (MBA- Information Management) and graduated with distinction in 2013. She got the opportunity to join the Research & Enterprise Office as part of the KESS project in 2014 and since then has supported the management of KESS PhD and Research Masters projects.

Her responsibility as Doctoral School administrator starting December 2015 gave her the opportunity to work closely with the Doctoral School manager in supporting doctoral administration and training. Her duties include co-ordinating the BU-wide Doctoral training programme and promoting the Doctoral School within Bangor University and beyond. She works with the Doctoral community within the University (PGR candidates, academic supervisors, College & School PGR Directors) and also manages the Doctoral School web pages and social media presence.

Her background is in Higher Education IT and Management. After her first Masters in Computer Applications from the College of Engineering Trivandrum (CET), India, she worked as a computer instructor in institutions in India and Oman. Aashu then worked for the Middle East College (MEC), Oman, a reputable Higher Education Institution affiliated to Coventry University (UK) as a Lecturer in Computer Science. While at the Institution, she also took up the role as Senior Officer for Quality Assurance & Policy Officer, co-ordinating and managing a variety of projects related to Audit and Quality Assurance in Higher Education. All these experiences helped her gain valuable insights related to higher education administration and management.

Other Contacts

Name E-mail School
Lisa Boas Arts, Culture and Language
Rebecca Day Arts, Culture and Language
Alicia Edwards History, Law and Social Sciences
Edmund Groves History, Law and Social Sciences
Rachel Healand-Sloan History, Law and Social Sciences
Nicolas Bauknecht Bangor Business School

College of Sciences and Engineering

Amelia Harvey Environmental and Natural Sciences
Joshua Horn Environmental and Natural Sciences
Perpetua Ifiemor Environmental and Natural Sciences
Pooja Padmakumar Environmental and Natural Sciences
    Ocean Sciences
    Ocean Sciences
Sohail Mustafa Saeed Computer Science and Engineering
Sunday Nwokolo Computer Science and Engineering

College of Medicine and Health

Freya Losvik Psychology, and Sport Science
Deyan Mitev Psychology, and Sport Science
Laurent Gorce Psychology, and Sport Science
Liam Hardman Psychology, and Sport Science
Kim Barnett Health Sciences
Vi Thanandran North Wales Medical School
Caryl Jones North Wales Medical School

Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG, UK

Where we are

Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG, UK