The Development and Alumni Relations Office runs the Bangor Fund Telethons every spring and autumn, spanning four weeks on Sunday through Thursday evenings.
During the campaign, our student calling team reaches out to alumni to connect, reminisce about their favourite memories, and support their alma mater.
As part of the alumni community, you may get a phone call from one of our students to talk about your time in Bangor and about the Bangor Fund.
The Bangor Fund aims to support as many projects as possible that add a margin of excellence or an element of ‘additionality’ to the student experience.
Our team of students have recently completed our autumn telethon campaign with great results. Our wonderful alumni have pledged to give a further £74,000 to the Bangor Fund over the next five years. These gifts will allow The Bangor Fund to provide extra bursaries, field trips, well-being activities, sports opportunities, and services, which all make a tremendous difference!
Persida Chung, Development Officer, said, “The Telethon provides a great opportunity for student callers to connect with past generations of Bangor University students, to share news and experiences while strengthening the wider University community. We are particularly grateful to all alumni and honorary fellows who generously took the time to share their insight into their post-Bangor lives and careers. The advice and words of encouragement given to our students as they are about to make significant decisions hold immense value to them.”
A few examples of initiatives supported by the Bangor Fund this academic year 2024-25 include:
School of History, Law and Social Sciences: Law competition package with marketing opportunity
School of History, Law and Social Science: Travel bursary for six students to attend workshops on youth homelessness in Wales and Poland
School of History, Law and Social Science: Delivering an ‘Enriched and Transformative Learning Experience’ for the Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates' Doctoral Students: Community-building, training, knowledge exchange and career path retreat at Gregynog Hall.
Student Union: Sexual health campaign
Student Union: Summer sessions – an offer of free summer activities for students
Student Union: Improving activities hub equipment for clubs and societies
School of Environmental and Natural Sciences: Enhancing student experience through employability-related activities for students, by students.
School of Arts, Culture and Languages: Musical activities as part of the University’s civic mission
School of Arts, Culture, and Language: Bringing communities together workshops - enhancing student employability and experience in the School
Canolfan Bedwyr: The path to success - life after Bangor
School of Welsh: production and performance of theatrical show - Sioe Un Dyn: Syr Harry Reichel
School of Environmental and Natural Sciences: Lockable fencing for the Brambell ponds teaching and research
School of Ocean Sciences: Travel bursaries for students attending Professor Yueng Djeng Lenn's Royal Geographical Society lecture
School of Environmental and Natural Sciences: Contribution to the residential field course bursaries for 60-70 students.
For further information about the telethon campaign, please contact Persida.
Thank you again to those of you who donate!

The Bangor Fund

Our team of student callers chatting with our alumni during the Telethon campaign