Spotlight On . . . Nathan Gregory
When did you qualify?
I qualified as an adult nurse in September 2017.
Where are you working?
I currently work on a vascular/Ear, nose and throat surgical ward in an acute hospital.
Are you enjoying it?
I am thoroughly enjoying my work at present and although I have only been there for a few months I know this is the job that I want to do, especially for the foreseeable future.
What has been the biggest challenge since qualifying?
It has to be the transition from student nurse to staff nurse. This is an incredibly difficult time where your expectations from other team members and patients completely change. You’re no longer just a student where mistakes are almost expected or at least forgiven but you’re expected to know your stuff and practice effectively. The support of my ward and team has been fantastic and not once have I felt pressured or out of my depth.
What are you enjoying about being a qualified nurse?
I am really enjoying how challenging it is. I am enjoying the responsibility and the respect of the profession. I am also enjoying all the new daily challenges that a staff nurse must face. My current role involves the dressing of wounds which some people find gory, but I love it.
What was your experience of being a student nurse?
I enjoyed my time as a student nurse as it opened a whole load of challenges and experiences within the healthcare setting and clinical profession. I’ve also made some really great friends throughout my three years training.
Why did you decide to pursue a career in nursing?
I always wanted to work within a healthcare setting, I spent a lot of time in hospital with my Nain when I was a child so was used to the inside of a hospital. When I was 10 I fractured my leg in London and was taken to hospital where I spent a few days. I’ve always believed that nurses have a rewarding and fantastic job where no day is the same!
What are your career ambitions?
I fancy specialising in a specific field within nursing, not sure which field yet! Maybe emergency nursing or wound care. I also wouldn’t mind teaching in the future to up and coming nurses.
What would you say to student nurses who are struggling?
Make the most of your training, it will come to an end and you’ll miss it when you’re qualified.
What do you do to relax when you are not working?
I like to spend time with my girlfriend and go to the gym.
What has been the highlight of your nursing journey so far?
My graduation. After many years of college and university and some people doubting me, even doubting myself at times I managed to qualify as a registered nurse. It makes me extremely proud.