From Welcome Week onwards, you'll be given as much help and support as possible with health and welfare matters as well as your academic work.
Peer Guides and Personal Tutors
The Peer Guide scheme and the Personal Tutor system mean that there is always another student or academic member of staff that you can turn to. Peer Guides are second and third year students who are trained to help new students settle-in to university life. Every student is assigned a Personal Tutor, who is a member of staff in your academic school.
Student Services and Administration
Student Services and Administration provide a professional support service for students. The services offered include money advice, health and welfare support, advice on private housing, dyslexia support and counselling.
Disability Support
There is also a dedicated Disability team to provide advice and guidance on a range of disability-related matters.
Teaching and Learning Support
The University's Teaching and Learning Support Team offers one to one appointments, workshops and learning resources to help develop the skills needed to succeed at university. The Centre offers help with academic writing, maths and statistics, presentations, reading and research.