Visiting Academics
It is the University's policy to ensure that all visitors to the University are not exposed to any significant risks to their health or safety.
This includes you as a visiting academic, who in health and safety terms will be afforded the same information, support and controls as would all members of University staff. As such, Colleges / Schools will ensure that any area you will work, and any equipment and / or materials that you will use during your visit is so far as is reasonably practicable safe.
In addition, Colleges / Schools will ensure all relevant health and safety information is communicated to you when you first start, for example, emergency contact details, first aid arrangements, details of restricted areas, local rules regarding authorisations for specific types of work.
The College / School will also work with you to ensure any risks associated with your work, including any risks that arise due to your 'unfamiliarity' with the University and College / School structure are also considered, if necessary, in your work-related risk assessments.
The following is the College of Science & Engineering Handbook, produced in conjunction with Health and Safety and which contains pertinent health and safety information that a visiting academic may find useful during their time with CoESE.