Visitors & Contractors
All visitors to the University are required and expected to abide by the University's health and safety rules and security controls. In turn, it is the University's policy to ensure University visitors are not exposed to any significant risks that could affect their health or safety. As part of this, Colleges and Departments are responsible for the implementation of safeguards and arrangements to ensure their visitors health and safety.
Colleges and Departments in control of areas to which the public have access, are required to ensure these are maintained in good condition, so far as it is within their power to do so, they will also be expected to take steps to prevent unauthorised access to areas where visitors may be placed at risk.
Further information for visiting academics can be found here.
All contractors working at the University must comply with relevant statutory and University requirements to ensure their work is conducted in such a way as to minimise the risks to themselves, and others who may be affected by their work. Failure to do so may be considered as grounds for termination of a contract.
Likewise the University has an obligation towards any contractors to ensure they are provided with information about possible risks to their health and safety, and the steps they should take to avoid such risks. It is therefore imperative, effective liaison exists between University staff and contractor's staff so each can be made aware of the others health and safety needs.
The University will monitor the performance of contractors to ensure they are working to an acceptable standard of safety. Normally this will be Campus Services, but Colleges and Departments may also be responsible for nominating someone to carry out this function if they have appointed contractors.
Only Campus Services can engage contractors to work on the fabric or services of a building.
If contractors are observed to be working in an 'unsafe' manner, endangering themselves or University staff and students, the College or Department who has engaged the contractors should, in the first instance, be approached. In the case of most general building work, this will be Campus Services, but where the College or Department responsible for the work is not known or cannot be contacted, Health and Safety should be informed.