Welcome to Human Resources
The departmental mission of Human Resources is to support the University in the accomplishment of its strategic business objectives by providing a high quality, continuously improving and comprehensive service to clients.
The Human Resources Department have adopted the University’s dynamic working practices. Staff are present on campus, in Bryn Afon, on varying working days and also working from home. We would encourage that should you have any query or request for information that you continue to send these electronically. To assist you in directing your queries to the most appropriate team member please see the page titled ‘Staff Contacts and Office Location’.
Should colleagues wish to meet with a representative from HR in person, then this must be arranged in advance. HR staff are similarly available for meetings/discussions over TEAMS.
Thank you for your continued understanding and co-operation.
Voluntary Severance Scheme 2025
Following on from the item in the staff bulletin on Thursday the 16th of January, the Voluntary Severance scheme is open for applications from the 20th of January to the 31st of March 2025. The Voluntary Severance Policy and a set of Frequently Asked questions can be found on these web pages. There is no form that requires completion, applications can be made via the HR Department (hr@bangor.ac.uk) or directly to Tracy Hibbert, Chief People Officer, t.hibbert@bangor.ac.uk or Steffan Griffith, Deputy Chief People Officer pos805@bangor.ac.uk. Enquiries about voluntary severance can also be made in confidence.
If you would therefore like to take advantage of the scheme, you can either discuss with your Head of School or Professional Services lead, or if you wish to discuss your interest in confidence please contact either Tracy or Steffan as noted above.
Mandatory Training for Staff
The University has made some changes to the requirements for completing mandatory training that apply to all staff. This is training that is required by law. There are ten modules in total, they are available in Welsh and English and can be accessed via Blackboard on Cynnwys / Hyfforddiant Gorfodol / Mandatory Training. The ten modules cover the following themes:
- Legal and Compliance
- Safeguarding
- Equality
It is important that staff who have just joined the university complete the modules as soon as possible and within a month of starting their role. The rest of the university staff are required to complete the training by the end of April 2025.
Line Managers have a responsibility to ensure that all their staff within their team/department have completed the training as well as any new starters. Human Resources monitor how many have completed the training per department and College. There are several opportunities during the year to monitor your staff's progress through informal conversations, formal meetings, checking the induction list and annual performance development reviews (PDR).
For further information, visit the Staff Development section of the University website. This page will provide further information on the modules, along with other information such as the renewal dates for each module. Early in 2025 staff will be able to see what mandatory training they have completed along with renewal dates in the Learning Module within the ESS portal (itrent).
HR and Payroll processing time-scales
A document has been developed which sets out and further define the monthly deadline in terms of HR and Payroll processing and the steps Academic Colleges and Schools, and Professional Services Directorates must complete to action a payroll change. If you therefore have responsibilities in this area, please take a few minutes to read this document.
Staff Privacy Notice
Click here to view Bangor University’s Staff Privacy Notice.