Learned Society of Wales Newsletter: June 2020
Welsh HE Sector Faces Post-Covid Challenge: Sir Emyr
Sir Emyr Jones Parry used his final AGM address as President of the Society to highlight the challenges facing Welsh universities.
Black Lives Matter: A Welsh Perspective
We are responding to the Black Lives Matter movement with an ongoing series of videos that reflect on histories, lessons and testimonies and draw on the experience and knowledge of Welsh residents, civic leaders and academia. The series will continue over the summer.
Is Wales Investing Enough in R&D?
We contributed to a new report from CaSE (Campaign for Science and Engineering) into maximising the local economic impacts of R&D investment. The report finds that investment should focus on existing excellence, that small business must be supported and that local civic leadership is vital.
Read more: https://mailchi.mp/84f0fa0a6654/lsw-june-2020-newsletter?e=a23e059af6