Bangor leads the field for Welsh-medium higher education provision
According to the latest figures, Bangor University is still leading the field in terms of its Welsh-medium provision. More students study the majority of their courses through the medium of Welsh at Bangor than at any other Welsh university.
Of all those students studying 40 or more credits through the medium of Welsh, 34% are doing so at Bangor University.
Professor Jerry Hunter, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Welsh-medium and Civic Engagement) said:
“More credits are studied through the medium of Welsh at Bangor than any other Welsh institution and it’s now possible to study elements of every academic subject on offer here in the language – from single modules to full degree programmes.”
“These developments in Welsh-medium education have occurred over a long period and I’d like to thank all those staff members who’ve been involved in this success over the years.”
“Of course, in addition to the academic provision on offer here, Bangor also provides a varied and vibrant social life through the medium of Welsh.”
“Side by side with this is our ethos as an international university and Welsh students here have ample opportunities to meet, study and socialise with students from all corners of the world. This is an integral part of an university experience and we’re extremely proud of the opportunties to expand horizons we offer here at Bangor.”
The statistics also show that full-time equivalent numbers of those studying through the medium of Welsh are significantly higher here than at any other institution and that in fact Bangor’s own numbers are the highest they’ve ever been.
Not only is there a general increase in uptake of Welsh-medium provision across the University, significant increases have been seen in subject areas where the provision is still relatively new, such as Psychology, Sports Science and Healthcare Sciences. In addition, 70% of all Bangor University staff have Welsh language skills.
Publication date: 15 August 2016