Bangor’s Student Representatives given Awards
Danielle Buckley (left) and Prof Colin Baker (right) with some of the Student Representatives who received their certificates recentlyBangor University’s Students’ Union, with the help of the University Executive, has created an outstanding system of student representation to ensure the student voice is loud and clear. The Students Union has worked with all Schools in the University to produce a team of 225 Student Representatives to cover different year groups and courses.
This is part of an initiative by the University and its Students’ Union to engage students more in designing and planning their academic, cultural and social experience while at university. The new student representative system encourages students to be more active in shaping the future of the University, not just as consumers but more as investors and shareholders.
At a recent celebration of the new student representation system, Student Representatives at Bangor University were thanked for their contribution. The Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Colin Baker, congratulated them for their time, effort, energy and commitment to the role. He paid tribute to the Student Union sabbatical officers led by Jo Caulfield for their vision and excellent collaboration, and paid particular thanks to Danielle Buckley for her highly effective organisation of the student representation system.
Saying that the student voice was about more than democracy and consumer relations, he said: “We prefer to think of students as investors in a top quality educational experience that Bangor University aims to provide, and therefore students become shareholders - with a sense of ownership of the company. We can always enhance the process of learning and pastoral care. Working together with students is the way to achieve such enhancement. Staff do not have a monopoly of new ideas, and students can provide fresh insights, creative proposals and inspire change.”
Paying tribute to the Student Representatives’ commitment, Prof Baker observed how they had demonstrated responsibility and integrity, leadership and team work, communication and integration skills through their work as representatives. These are skills which will stand them in good stead when entering the careers market.
Danielle Buckley, Students’ Union Vice President with responsibility for Education & Welfare said “The Course Rep system has been a huge success this year, with numbers increasing from 35 to over 225. The students involved have been dedicated to ensuring they have a stronger voice in the University than ever before. It has been fantastic to work so closely with the University on this project and I am looking forward to building upon these successes over the next academic year.”
Publication date: 16 May 2011