Bangor University welcomes Chinese delegation
The Chinese delegatesBangor University was the location for a study tour for a delegation from the Chinese Education Ministry and a number of Chinese Universities.
Bangor University was the location for a study tour for a delegation from the Chinese Education Ministry and a number of Chinese Universities. The delegation was keen to learn how British universities contribute to developing the regional economy.
The delegation was welcomed to Bangor by Vice-Chancellor, Professor John G Hughes and spent the day studying different initiatives at Bangor University that promote entrepreneurship and regeneration within the region. They also heard the case from the Welsh Government on the impact that universities can have on their regional economies.
“We were delighted to have the opportunity to welcome such distinguished guests to Bangor and to showcase how we work with other agencies to support business in the region,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor John G. Hughes.
the Chinese delegation listen to the Vice-Chancellor's addressIn his opening address, Vice-Chancellor Hughes stressed the importance of the University’s excellent links with local authorities- such as their involvement with the Anglesey Energy Park, and, its commitment to growing small businesses, the back bone of the regional economy through schemes which enable small companies to access expertise at the University to help them develop their business.
As well as information from Bangor University staff on various University initiatives in support of business and enterprise in the region, the delegation heard from a range of representatives.
They were: Mr Dafydd Hughes, Interim Head of Energy & Environment Sector, Department for Business, Enterprise and Technology, Welsh Government; Ms Teresa Cooper, Senior Economic Development Manager, Higher Education Funding Council Wales, who spoke on the impact of Higher Education Institutions on regional economies; Professor Ding Xuemei, Vice President of Harbin Institute of Technology who spoke about Higher Education Institutions' Policy and System to Engage with Regional Development based on the current arrangement; Mr Ewen Brierley, Senior Strategic Development Manager, Higher Education Funding Council Wales who discussed strategic collaborations among HE and FE institutes with regional needs. Mr Robert O’Dowd, Chief Executive of Pontio, at Bangor University used the University’s Pontio Arts & Innovation Centre as a case study of collaboration of government, funding bodies, university, and the local community and Dr Gary Reed, Head of Aber-Bangor Research & Enterprise Partnership, discussed the benefits of that partnership for the region.
Publication date: 9 June 2011