New health research theme appointment at Pontio
Dr John ParkinsonDr John Parkinson has been appointed to head up a new research theme for Bangor University's Pontio project, developed in the build up to the opening of the new arts and innovation centre in 2013.
The Pontio research and innovation programme is developing three interdisciplinary research themes: Health, Environment and Culture. Dr Parkinson will lead ‘Health’ joining Professor Jerry Hunter for ‘Culture’ and Professor Tom DeLuca for ‘Environment’.
Dr Parkinson will bring together research specialties from across the University to encourage cross disciplinary collaboration. John will divide his time at Bangor University’s School of Psychology with the responsibilities of the new role.
One of Pontio’s remits is to be a medium for developing and showcasing the existing expertise at Bangor University and making sure that audiences and communities outside of the university benefit from this research.
Dr Parkinson said:
“Bangor University has significant strengths across many disciplines and it will be my role to encourage collaborative work. The ‘Health’ remit will look at all aspects of wellbeing from preventing ill-health to boosting resilience.
“An area that I’m particularly interested in pursuing through Pontio is the psychology of the workplace, looking at how we can promote a beneficial environment which helps both business productivity and an individual’s sense of belonging.
“Specialists from across traditional divides - the arts, psychology, business, healthcare and so on - could all bring different expertise to this area of research.
“Pontio will be an excellent vehicle for giving the research at Bangor a new platform and ensure that the work has a positive impact on local communities. I’m very excited to be part of the project’s development.”
Publication date: 13 February 2012