New Look OPEN STUDIES@Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning is making changes to its OPEN STUDIES programme. Modules and sessions are being clustered into broad subject areas so that learners can better plan their choices and so that we can target our marketing more effectively.
OPEN STUDIES will remain flexible and broad but you can now have clearer pathways and progression within it. Our new clusters include areas such as 'Searching our Past' which will include introductory level sessions / modules in Family History, Oral History, Women's History, Community Archaeology for instance. Another example would be European Cultural Studies where sessions will include new modules on Welsh Cinema and explorations of Europe through film and literature. New provision is being developed around 'Useful Technologies', where our competences as learners and teachers can be enhanced. There will be full, specialist Welsh medium provision as well as our usual popular modern languages programme.
Publication date: 26 March 2015