Prof. Emily Cross selected to join prestigious group of European scientists
Prof. Cross has been invited to join the Young Academy of Europe a pan-European grouping of outstanding young scientists whose aim is to promote scientific excellence by providing opportunities for networking, scientific exchange and science policy.
Prof Cross said, “This is certainly a fantastic honour, and one that highlights the outstanding research environmentProf. Emily Cross having fun whilst researching how you teenagers learn new motor skills (in this case, learning to dance with the xbox kinect)provided by Bangor’s School of Psychology, which has provided the foundation for my team’s social neuroscience research to flourish over the past 6 years. I am excited to join this august group of young academics who work to positively shape the research landscape to support the careers of upcoming researchers across Europe.”
Her research in the Social Brain in Action Lab explores how we perceive and interact with other people in a social world. She has also recently begun to focus on how we perceive and interact with robots and has a £1.5m ERC Grant for a project entitled ‘Social Robots: Mechanisms and Consequences of Attributing Socialness to Artificial Agents’.
Head of School, Prof John Parkinson said that “We are proud of the research environment we have at Bangor and Emily’s contribution to that has been exceptional over recent years and she fully deserves to be recognised in this way”.
Prof. Cross is one of the School’s overseas academic members of staff hailing from Ohio, USA originally and is a champion of the benefits of integration and cooperation "Anyone following current events on either side of the Atlantic should be troubled by the trend in recent months for so-called civilized societies to turn against evidence, rational thought, and empirical data when making extremely important decisions for whole nations’ futures. The YAE stands to be a force for positive change and progress in Europe and the world by keeping expert opinions and evidence-based policy relevant, accessible and clear. It will be an honour and a pleasure to add my voice and expertise to this crucial endeavor."
Publication date: 9 February 2017