Students are Enterprising in the £10 Challenge
Students recently took part in a ‘£10 Challenge’, organised by the B-Enterprising Project at the University’s Careers and Employability Service.
Students borrowed £10 individually or in small teams, and tried to make as much money as they could in 2 weeks in an enterprising way, to win the top prize of £200.
Catrin Hughes receiving her certificate from Michelle Hamlet, B-Enterprising Project, for winning First Prize in the £10 Challenge.The team who made the most money was ‘Innovative’, who, raised £515. They won an additional £200 for their success. Catrin Hughes, a Business undergraduate, and Aaron Toner, a Sports, Health and Exercise Sciences undergraduate, raised their profits by using their £10 to market and promote an online programme.
There was also a ‘Stand Out From the Crowd’ Award for the team who had the most innovative money raising idea. ‘Keep Calm and Carry On,’ consisting of Alex Dunk and Sam Davies, both Creative Studies and Media undergraduates. They raised £96 by ‘auctioning’ the Bangor University Rugby Team at Bar Uno, in a light-hearted student social event. They donated all of their profits to Alex and Sam handing over their profits to the Cancer Research charity shop on Bangor High St.Cancer Research UK, and each received a prize of £30 for their reward.
The competition was launched with an Ideas Factory workshop, run by local entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Linden Nicholls (owner of Orakel and First String) who is also a Dynamo Role Model. The workshop was designed to inspire the participants to have confidence in their own ideas, and to think more creatively.
Lowri Owen, Enterprise Champion and B-Enterprising Project Coordinator, said:
“This competition is a valuable way of allowing students to learn about business and creativity in a practical way. The fact that many of them donated some or all of their profits to charities and local organisations was a real bonus. We’re very lucky in Wales to have the support of the Welsh Assembly Government in allowing us the funding to run activities such as this. Congratulations to all of the students who took part.”
For up to date information on future B-Enterprising events, please visit or the B-Enterprising Facebook; .
Publication date: 22 February 2011