The Launch of Bangor College China
L-R: Professor Xianyan Zhou, President of CSUFT and Professor Zhiqing Yang, Dean of Bangor College China and Vice Chancellor of Bangor University, Professor John G Hughes at the launch of Bangor College ChinaMore than 260 students celebrated the opening of Bangor College China in their home country.
A special ceremony, organised by Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China, was held in the university's Conference Hall on Saturday 27th September.
The Bangor College China (BCC) was launched by Professor John Hughes, Vice Chancellor of Bangor University and Professor Xianyan Zhou, President of Central South University of Forestry and Technology (CSUFT). Professor John Thornton, Head of Bangor Business School, Dr Xinyu Wu, Director of International Development and Luna Wu, Director of the Bangor Beijing Office also attended the ceremony. Welsh Government Chief Representative in Beijing Susan Jiang and Angus Bjamason, the British Council Area Director for South China were guests of honour who congratulated the BCC and its students by giving short speeches, respectively.
“Bangor College China is strategically important to Bangor University”, said Professor John Hughes. “The University is responsible BCC students and CSUFT Music major students entertained the guests as well as other students and their parents with various singing and dancing performances at the ceremony.for the quality of BCC teaching learning and assessment and we are committed to providing high quality bespoke programmes to the students at BCC.”
BCC students and CSUFT Music major students entertained the guests as well as other students and their parents with various singing and dancing performances at the ceremony. An interactive session between the Bangor staff and BCC students also took place during the evening.
Publication date: 1 October 2014