University appoints Welsh Medium and Civic Engagement Champion
Mr Wyn ThomasBangor University has appointed Mr Wyn Thomas to the post of Pro Vice Chancellor with responsibility for Welsh Medium and Civic Engagement.
Originally from Aberystwyth, Mr Wyn Thomas graduated from Bangor University, and has worked at the University’s School of Music since 1979.
His main role in the new post will be to develop and lead the University’s strategies for furthering the Welsh language, bilingualism, and Welsh medium study, as well as to develop the University’s relationship with external organisations and the community. In this respect, he will be taking an active part in the development of the PONTIO project.
University Vice-Chancellor, Professor John G. Hughes said: “I am delighted that we have appointed Wyn Thomas to this important post. Wyn’s commitment to Welsh medium higher education is undisputable. He has already made a valuable contribution to Welsh medium education both at Bangor and across Wales, and will now build on this success in this new role which is vital to the success of Bangor University as well as to the development of Welsh medium education in general.”
Wyn Thomas said: “The University has a strong historical commitment to both the Welsh language and to the surrounding community. I relish and look forward to meeting the challenges and opportunities to strengthen the University’s Welsh medium provision as well as enhancing links both locally and throughout Wales.”
As well as his lecturing and research roles, Mr Thomas was head of Teaching & Learning at the College of Arts, Education & Humanities between 2007-10 and latterly also responsible for teaching through the medium of Welsh. He has been leading a joint project on developing Welsh-medium teaching in Music across Welsh universities in advance of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. He has been instrumental in developing and enhancing the range of Welsh medium Music courses at Bangor University, many of which have included cutting-edge subjects.
As well as producing scholarly research on traditional Welsh music, Wyn Thomas has achieved great successes in knowledge transfer; specifically in enabling local and small to medium sized companies to access expertise at the School of Music to benefit their businesses. Notably, he set up the first Partnership Scheme in Britain linking a commercial company with an arts department. As well as assisting the company, this went on to receive a ‘Department of Trade & Industry’ Award for the standard and output of that research.
Publication date: 24 January 2011