I came to Bangor University in 2009 to study for a BA in Welsh and Religious Studies. Having graduated in 2012, I completed an MA in Welsh and Creative Writing, before undertaking a PhD project funded by the AHRC under the joint-supervision of the School of Philosophy and Religion and the School of Welsh, Bangor University. Following that, I was appointed Lecturer of Philosophy and Religion.
Academic Research
My doctoral research examined the religious responses among the Welsh in the United States to the issue of nineteenth century slavery. The thesis was later published as a monograph in 2022 by the University of Wales Press: ‘Mae’r Beibl o’n tu’: ymatebion crefyddol y Cymry yn America i gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868).
As my PhD project suggests, my academic interests are diverse and interdisciplinary, and include: biblical studies; the reception history of the Bible and its role in contemporary issues; religion, literature and society; the history of slavery and ethics; Judaism and Christianity, and their interfaith dialogue; Sikhism and Confucianism; Ecology and Religion; Ancient Philosophy; The Problem of Evil; Welsh Nonconformity and the Welsh in America; nineteenth century print culture; and the role played by religion in maintaining ethnic and national identities in diasporic communities.
I am continuing to explore slavery and religion, and I am currently researching certain aspects of modern Zionism.
As I have a keen interest in various fields, I teach diverse modules including the history of ethics, Judaism and Christianity, and the role of religion in contemporary ecological issues.
National Centre for Religious Education in Wales
In October 2022, I was appointed the co-director of the National Centre for Religious Education in Wales with Dr Joshua Andrews. The aim of the Centre is to ensure that Religious Education, Ethics, Philosophy and Values as significant subjects are cared for and supported sufficiently in primary and secondary schools in Wales. We will be working with teachers, NATRE groups, RE Hubs UK, and faith groups to develop the education that currently exists and emphasise the relevance of this extremely important subject in our multifaith and multicultural society.
Creative work
I also write creatively and in October 2018 I published a novel concerning the experiences of the Jews during the Holocaust, Eira Llwyd ['Grey Snow'] (Gwasg y Bwthyn). Eira Llwyd was named Book of the Month for November 2018 by the Welsh Book Council. In 2023, my latest novel, which explores how witches are depicted in our society today, Y Cylch (Gwasg y Bwthyn), will be published.
In the 2019 National Eisteddfod held at Llanrwst, I was extremely fortunate to be awarded the Drama Medal for my play, Adar Papur ['paper birds'], which was produced by Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru ['The National Theatre of Wales'] in 2020; and in the 2021 AmGen National Eisteddfod, I was fortunate to win the Drama Medal for my play, Cadi Ffan a Jan ['Cadi Ffan and Jan'], which explored gender stereotypes in contemporary Wales.
In the spring of 2022, a play that I scripted toured Wales: Ynys Alys ['Alys's Island'] (The Frân Wen Company).
In July 2023, Curiadau was published by Barddas, which is the first LGBTQ+ anthology of Welsh literature, comprising of poignant and powerful pieces by 42 different writers.
Additional Contact Information
Teaching and Supervision
- Ethics: Religious Perspectives
- Introduction to Christianity
- Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
- Anti-Semitism
- Nature and Western Religion.
- Religion, Nationality and Sexuality
- The Holocaust: Philosophical and Religious Responses
- Religion in Wales: From Paganism to Jediism
- Judaism in the Modern World
- The Problem of Evil
- The Transatlantic Slave Trade
- 20th Century Philosophy of Religion
- Tales of Might and Morality
- Independent Study
- Dissertation
Supervise MA/MRes
- I am currently supervising MRes projects in the fields of religious studies and philosophy.
Supervise PhD
- Supervising projects including ones on Heraclitus, and fantasty literature.
I am willing to supervise PhD projects in the fields of religious studies, literature and religion, and the history of slavery
Research Interests
- The Bible and slavery.
- Slavery and religion.
- Welsh Nonconformity and the religious print culture of the nineteenth century.
- Judaism and Christianity, and their interfaith dialogue.
- Zionism, Judaism, and Christianity.
- Literature and Religion.
- Paganism.
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
I am willing to supervise a PhD
- PublishedGweddnewidiadau: Ysgrifau Beirniadol XXXV
Dafydd, E. (Editor) & Evans-Jones, G. (Editor), 1 Feb 2025, Y Lolfa.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
- PublishedCuriadau: Blodeugerdd LHDTC+
Evans-Jones, G., 4 Aug 2023, 1af ed. Llandysul: Cyhoeddiadau Barddas. 136 p.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
- Published'Mae'r Beibl o'n tu': ymatebion crefyddol y Cymry yn America i gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868)
Evans Jones, G. & Jones, A. L. (Editor), Sept 2022, Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. 368 p. (Cyfres y Meddwl a'r Dychymyg Cymreig)
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - Published'Mae'r Beibl o'n tu': ymatebion crefyddol y Cymry yn America i gaethwasiaeth (1838-1868)
Evans Jones, G., 15 Jul 2022, 1 ed. Caerdydd: University of Wales Press. 354 p. (Cyfres y Meddwl a'r Dychymyg Cymreig)
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - PublishedCylchu Cymru: Llun a llên wrth gerdded
Evans-Jones, G. & Fowler, O. (Illustrator), 5 Aug 2022, Y Lolfa. 112 p.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - PublishedJ. P. Harris (1820–1898) a'r 'Arddangosiadau Chwareuyddol'
Evans-Jones, G., 1 Dec 2022, In: Llên Cymru. 45, 1, p. 162-196 35 p., 5.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- PublishedThe Testament of Magneto: Depicting the Holocaust in a Graphic Novel
Evans Jones, G., 15 Nov 2019.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review - Published‘'Does dim gwadu ar Etifeddiaeth’: Astudiaeth o’r modd yr ymdrinnir ag etifeddiaeth yn Ac Eto Nid Myfi a detholiad o straeon byrion John Gwilym Jones
Evans Jones, G., 1 Mar 2019, In: Gwerrdon. 28, p. 21-42 21 p., 2.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review - Published“I ddwyn y gaethglud fawr yn rhydd”: Cysyniadau Beiblaidd a Diddymiaeth y Cymry Americanaidd
Evans Jones, G., 22 Jul 2019.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
- PublishedEira Llwyd
Evans-Jones, G., 1 Oct 2018, Cyntaf ed. Caernarfon: Gwasg y Bwthyn. 104 p.
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review - PublishedGolygyddion Cymraeg America a Chaethwasiaeth
Evans Jones, G., 6 May 2018
Research output: Other contribution › peer-review - PublishedY Canu Caeth: Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg a Chaethwasiaeth America
Evans Jones, G., 29 Jan 2018.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
- PublishedDryllio’r Hualau: Caethwasiaeth Fodern a’r Beibl
Evans Jones, G., 26 Feb 2017
Research output: Other contribution - PublishedIn Exile: Welsh-Americans and African-American Slaves (1838-1865)
Evans Jones, G., 12 Jul 2017.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review - PublishedY Seren yn y Groes: Effaith deddfau imperialaidd cynnar Rhufain ar y berthynas rhwng yr Eglwys a’r Iddewon
Evans Jones, G., 1 Mar 2017, In: Gwerddon. 23, p. 58-84 3.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published'Y Cenhadwr and Y Dyngarwr: Two Welsh-American Abolitionist Journals?'
Evans Jones, G., 1 Oct 2016, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Volume XXXV: 2015. 1af ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Vol. 35. p. 109-128
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review - Published‘The “Children of Ham” and the “Race of Gomer”’
Evans Jones, G., 10 Sept 2016.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review - Published‘“Gweledigaeth” y Bedyddiwr Cwsg: Treftadaeth lenyddol J. P. Harris (Ieuan Ddu)
Evans Jones, G., 10 Jun 2016.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
- PublishedY Cenhadwr and Y Dyngarwr: Two Welsh-American Abolitionist Journals?
Evans Jones, G., 11 Oct 2015.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review - PublishedY Cenhadwr a’r Dyngarwr: Caethwasiaeth, Crefydd a’r Cymry yn America (1840-3)
Evans Jones, G., 25 Jun 2015.
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review
- Published‘“Chwi gaethweision, ufuddhewch ym mhob peth i’ch meistri daearol”: Caethwasiaeth a’r Beibl’
Evans Jones, G., 1 Aug 2014, In: Tu Chwith. 40, p. 83-91
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows: animals and the power of books
A conversation held in Palas Print, Caernarfon.
30 Sep 2024
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker)
- Cadeirio lansiad y gyfrol Curiadau gan Gareth Evans Jones (gol.)
Cadeirio lansiad y gyfrol Curiadau gan Gareth Evans Jones (gol.)
10 Nov 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Keynote speaker) - Darlleniad yn lansiad Y Cylch gan Gareth Evans Jones
Darlleniad yn lansiad Y Cylch gan Gareth Evans Jones
31 Oct 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Keynote speaker) - The Methodist Pope: John Elias and Society
A talk about the influence of the significant and striking preacher, John Elias as part of the winter programme of lectures for Talwrn Archaeology group
18 Sep 2023
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Identities: Welshness and Queer Arts
In the Bangor University tent at the National Eisteddfod, the concluding session in the 'Identities: Welshness' series, sponsored by the Coleg Cymraeg cenedlaethol, was held. The theme of the session was Welshness and Queer Arts which saw an engaging discussion with three queer creative practitioners: Osian Gwynn (Pontio's Creative Director), Leo Drayton (poet, writer, dramatist and performer), and Megan Lloyd (convenor of Trac Cymru, poet and performer).
10 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - Chairing a launch session of 'Curiadau: Blodeugerdd LHDTC' at the National Eisteddfod
Wednesday 9 August, the launch took place at Paned o Ge's stall in the National Eisteddfod. I chaired the very interesting session by being able to interview many of the contributors: Melda Lois Griffiths, Gruffydd Sion Ywain (designer of the volume), Bethany Celyn (Barddas' Creative Editor), Elgan Rhys, Leo Drayton and Bethan Marlow).
9 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - 'Gwrachod a'r Gair' yn Stondin Prifysgol Bangor yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol
Sgwrs gyda Sian Melangell Dafydd am wrachod hanesyddol a chyfoes, a'r hyn mae 'gwrach', 'gwrachyddiaeth' a 'gwrachaidd' yn ei olygu.
7 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - LGBTQ+ representation in books published in Wales since the millennium - a discussion held at the Literary Pavilion in the Llyn and Eifionnydd National Eisteddfod, 2023
I was given the opportunity to chair a discussion in the Literary Pavilion during the Llyn and Eifionydd National Eisteddfod regarding LGBTQ+ representation in books published in Wales since 2000. The panel members were Lois Gwenllian, Nia Wyn Jones, Llyr Titus and Dylan Huw.
7 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - 'Is everyone on the same page?' - The Literary Pavilion, National Eisteddfod 2023
Panel member under the chair of Iolo Cheung regarding whether there is sufficient representation in Welsh literature. Other members of the panel were Malachy Edwards, Sioned Erin Hughes, Simon Chandler, Elen Wyn and Simon Brooks.
6 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar (Contributor) - Launch of the National Centre for Religious Education in Wales at the Eisteddfod
The Welsh-medium launch of the National Centre for Religious Education in Wales was held at the Bangor University stall at the Llyn and Eifionydd National Eisteddfod 2023. Joshua Andrews and I presented as co-directors of the Centre. Interesting contributions were given by Emilia Johnson, Daniel Latham, Modlen Lynch, and Natasha Roberts, in addition to a fascinating discussion with Kristoffer Hughes, the Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order. We were also able to announce that the first Honorary Fellow of the Centre is the National Poet for Wales, Hanan Issa.
6 Aug 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar (Contributor) - Cylchu Cymru in Sesiwn Fawr Dolgellau
I delivered a talk on my volume, 'Cylchu Cymru', as part of Dolgellau's arts, culture and music festval.
22 Jul 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - Writing, Philosophy and Drag: a discussion with a drag queen
This was an interesting session discussing drag in Welsh. I had the opportunity of interviewing the drag queen, Biwti, as well as discuss my play, 'Cadi Ffan a Jan', and consider which philosophical aspects are apparent with regards to drag, including freedom of expression, the challenging of narrow preconceptions, ideas on specific gender roles. The talk took place at the Bangor University stall.
16 Jul 2023
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor)
- Panel 'Cranogwen and Prosser Rhys'
Chair a discussion panel on 'Cranogwen and Prosser Rhys'
24 Jun 2021
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - A member of a discussion panel on 'Y Castell Siwgr' by Angharad Tomos
24 Mar 2021
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Refugee Monologues
24 Mar 2021
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- Discussed Anti-Semitism with John Roberts on Bwrw Golwg
1 Nov 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Y Triongl Pinc: Pobl Hoyw a'r Holocost
20 Oct 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - A discussion on forgiveness with John Roberts on the programme Bwrw Golwg
30 Aug 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - The Coleg Cymraeg's Teaching and Learning Webinar
15 Jul 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - A talk about the Holocaust and the X-Men on the Dei Tomos programme
5 Jul 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Cynhadledd Ymchwil Rithiol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Present a paper on the Holocaust and the X-Men
1 Jul 2020
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - Cyfres o Ddarlithoedd Cyhoeddus mewn Athroniaeth a Chrefydd
17 Jun 2020 – 22 Jul 2020
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker) - Cynhadledd Adolygu Hanes Safon Uwch
A Revision conference for A-Level History students. I discussed Germany during the Second World War in the morning and Human Rights in the afternoon.
28 Feb 2020
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - Eira Llwyd: Darlunio'r Holocost mewn Nofel
6 Feb 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - O Eira Llwyd i Adar Papur
Sgwrs am y broses greadigol mewn cyfryngau gwahanol.
22 Jan 2020
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- John Gwilym Jones ac Etifeddiaeth
Sgwrs am John Gwilym Jones ac etifeddiaeth ar raglen Dei Tomos, BBC Radio Cymru.
17 Nov 2019
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker) - Dathlu llwyddiant Gareth Evans-Jones
Sgwrs drwy wahoddiad yn ystod noson a drefnwyd gan bwyllgor Eisteddfod Marianglas i ddathlu llwyddiant Dr Gareth Evans-Jones, Prif Ddramodydd Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Dyffryn Conwy 2019
3 Oct 2019
Activity: Oral presentation (Keynote speaker) - XVIth International Congress of Celtic Studies
Present a paper: 'To free the great captivity': Biblical Concepts and the Abolition of the Welsh Americans.
22 Jul 2019
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - O'r Stori Fer i'r Nofel Feicro
Sgwrs â Merched y Wawr Porthaethwy am lenydda mewn gwahanol gyfryngau.
20 Feb 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Y Cymry America a'r Caethion
Sgwrs am y Cymry yn yr Unol Daleithiau ynghylch caethwasiaeth y 19eg ganrif.
28 Jan 2019
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- O Ynys Môn i Ynys Madog
Trafodaeth am dri Chymro a deithiodd i America a'u gweithgareddau llenyddol, gweinidogaethol, a gwleidyddol, yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun caethwasiaeth.
14 Dec 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Sgwrs gyda Newyddion 9 ynghylch prosiect Ail-Gysylltu/RE-Connect
Cyfweliad gyda Newyddion 9 am brosiect o'r enw Ail-Gysylltu/RE-Connect a fydd yn cynorthwyo athrawon a disgyblion wrth astudio Addysg Grefyddol ar lefel Safon Uwch, ac yn annog myfyrwyr i ystyried gyrfa fel athro/athrawes Addysg Grefyddol
12 Nov 2018
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Contributor) - 'Y Cymry a'r Caethion'
Sgwrs a gyflwynwyd i Gymdeithas Hanes y Tair Llan, Llanwnda, Gwynedd.
9 Nov 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Lansiad y gyfrol Eira Llwyd gan Gareth Evans Jones
Darlleniad yn lansiad y gyfrol Eira Llwyd gan Gareth Evans Jones (Gwasg y Bwthyn), yn Pontio, Bangor
18 Oct 2018
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker) - 'I Ddwyn y Gaethglud Fawr yn Rhydd': Y Beibl, y Cymry, a Chaethwasiaeth yn America
22 Sep 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker) - Cynhadledd NAASWCH Prifysgol Bangor 2018
Present a paper: 'Man v. God: The Fugitive Slave Act and the Welsh Periodical Press of America'.
26 Jul 2018
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - Bedfordshire Higher Education UCAS Exhibition
Present a seminar on ‘Theology and Religious Studies at University’.
28 Jun 2018 – 29 Jun 2018
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - A presentation given to Religious Studies students in Ysgol Brynrefail
A presentation on the importance of studying Philosophy and Religion in university.
12 Jun 2018
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement (Contributor) - A radio talk with Dei Tomos, BBC Radio Cymru
A talk with Dei Tomos: 'Welsh-American Journal Editors and Slavery'
6 May 2018
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation (Contributor) - A presentation given to the Religious Studies students in Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni
A presentation on the importance of studying Philosophy and Religion at university
1 Feb 2018
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement (Contributor) - 'The Welsh Slave Songs'
A talk presented to the Bodffordd Literary Circle, Bodffordd, Anglesey
29 Jan 2018
Activity: Invited talk (Speaker)
- A presentation given to Religious Studies students, Ysgol David Hughes, Menai Bridge
A presentation on the importance of studying Philosophy and Religion at university
6 Dec 2017
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement (Contributor) - A presentation given to Religious Studies students, Ysgol Tryfan, Bangor
A presentation on the importance of studying Philosophy and Religion at university
24 Nov 2017
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement (Contributor) - A presentation given to Religious Studies students, Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern
A presentation on the importance of studying Philosophy and Religion at university
20 Nov 2017
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement (Contributor) - A piece of the sun: Celebrating the Life and Work of Sian Owen, Marian-glas
A session held in the Literary Pavilion in the National Eisteddfod, Anglesey 2017 to celebrate the life and work of Sian Owen, Marian-glas.
7 Aug 2017
Activity: Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition (Contributor) - Cynhadledd 'The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) European Conference Arts & Humanities 2017'
Present a paper: 'In Exile: Welsh-Americans andAfrican-American Slaves (1838-1865)'
12 Jul 2017
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - 'Shattering the Shackles: Modern Slavery and the Bible'
A talk presented in Paradwys Chapel, Llanallgo Anglesey.
26 Feb 2017
Activity: Oral presentation (Speaker)
- The 18th Biennial Conference for the International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture
Present a paper: ‘The “Children of Ham” and the “Race of Gomer”’
10 Sep 2016
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - Colocwiwm Canolfan Ymchwil Cymru
Present a paper: '"A Vision' of the Sleeping Bard: The Literary Heritage of J. P. Harris (Black John)'
10 Jun 2016
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker)
- The 35th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium
Present a paper: 'Y Cenhadwr and Y Dyngarwr: Two Welsh-American Abolitionist Journals?'
11 Oct 2015
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker) - Cynhadledd Ymchwil Amlddisgyblaethol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Present a paper: 'The Cenhadwr and The Dyngarwr: Slavery, Religion and the Welsh in America (1840-3)'
26 Jun 2015
Activity: Participation in Academic conference (Speaker)
Other Information
Administrative Roles
- Personal Tutor
- Director of Welsh-language Matters for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
- Communications Officer for the School of History, Law and Social Sciences
- Civic Mission Officer for the School of History, Law and Social Sciences
- Awarded the Creative Nonfiction Literature Wales Book of the Year award in 2023 for my volume, Cylchu Cymru [Circling Wales].
- Awarded a Grant by the British Society of Authors to work on a volume of flash fiction (2021).
- Awarded the Welsh Medium Education Award in the Student Led Teaching Awards 2019.
- Awarded a New Author Scholarship by Literature Wales to work on a novel (2017).
- Awarded an AHRC Scholarship in Celtic Languages to complete my PhD research (2014).
- Awarded a James Pantyfedwen Foundation Scholarship (2013).
- Awarded an Access to Masters (ATM) Scholarship (2012).
- Awarded the Dr John Robert Jones Prize by Bangor University for being one of the ‘students of the year’ (2012).
- Awarded the Sir John Morris-Jones Prize by the School of Welsh, Bangor University for the results of my BA degree examinations (2012).
- Awarded the Robert Richards Prize by Bangor University for my dissertation (2012).
- Awarded the Thomas L. Jones Prize by the School of Welsh, Bangor University for the results of my second year degree examinations (2011).
- Awarded the R. T. Robinson Prize by the School of Theology and Religious Studies, Bangor University, for the ‘most meritorious work in the first year of a Religious Studies degree’ (2010).
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- Member of the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ).
- Member of Bangor University's Senate.
- Co-editor of Ysgrifau Beirniadol [Critical Essays] with Dr Elis Dafydd (Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies).