Students' Union Sustainability Statement
Undeb Bangor is committed to the development of a fully sustainable organisation.
"We are committed to improve the well-being of Bangor University students, by considering their economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being and will work with our student community and a wide range of stakeholders to realise our aims in this area. We will work to adapt and integrate the seven goals of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 to meet the needs of our members and organisation and in so will look to create a dynamic, imaginative, fair and prosperous bi-lingual society, which can be a catalyst for a brighter future for Bangor University, its students and the community in which we’re based."
For further information on the Students' Union (SU) pledge on sustainability please visit this page.
You can find further information about the Students' Union and Sustainability on the following links and via the navigation buttons:
- Green Impact Award
- Sustainability Work
- Students' Union Sustainability Policy
- Students' Union Sustainability Events
- Environmental Volunteering Opportunities
- Social Sustainability Volunteering Opportunities
- SU - Local Community Sustainable Projects
- Student Sustainability Network
Students' Union and University Committees
Representatives from the Students' Union sit on a wide range of University Committees, such as the University Council, The Health, Safety & Emergency Management Committee, Sustainability Implementation Group, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) and Wellbeing Committee, and Estates and Digital Strategy Committee.