Looking after your mind
Look after your mind is often forgotten about, yet the cost of doing so leads to a home-life imbalance, distress to yourself and poor relationships with those around you.
Good mental health is not something you have, but something you do. To be mentally healthy you must value and accept yourself
Good mental health is supported by an outlook and approach to life that not only overcomes particular issues but also maintains ongoing happiness and lasting inner peace.
It's a good idea to have some tools that help us deal with any unwanted mental states that do arise. The following may come in useful!
When things are getting you down
Talk it out – share your concerns with another person
Write it out – it is easier to put concerns into perspective when put on paper
Shrug it off – raise your shoulders and drop them, relax your body
Breathe it away – inhale deeply and exhale slowly…calm your thoughts
Delay it – put aside 15 minutes and think about the problem at that time
Work it off - do something physical, divert your energy and clear your head
Reverse it – consider taking the opposite approach, explore alternatives
Feel better about yourself
Laugh it off – lighten it with humour
Distance it - imagine a few years from now, will it matter then
Balance it – consider the good consequences and feel glad about them
Cancel it – think positively, don’t let the negative pull you down
Exaggerate it – picture the worst that is likely to happen, is it likely
Win through it - imagine yourself being successful
Escape it – notice something enjoyable around you and enjoy that instead
The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice
The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice continue to host weekly lunch time mindfulness meditation sessions for Bangor University staff.
The sessions are from 1:10pm–1:40pm each Wednesday in room 230, Brigantia Building and are guided by a mindfulness teacher from the university. They are appropriate for beginners and experienced meditators. You are all welcome and it is fine to come along regularly or occasionally.
There will be a 20 minute guided practice followed by a short opportunity for dialogue and questions.
If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Crane.
If you are unable to make the sessions the Centre also has some free Audio tracks for you to download and practice.
Be Mindful Online is a self-paying course which teaches all the elements of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). The course is run by Wellmind Media in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation, a UK charity for everyones mental health.This structured online course will train you to practise and enjoy mindfulness in daily life, you can follow it at your own pace and in as little as 4 weeks you'll have developed skills that'll last a life-time!
Parabl Talking Therapy service provides short-term therapeutic interventions for individuals facing common mental health difficulties or challenging life events which may be impacting on their emotional well being.
You can refer yourself in confidence to Parabl Talking Therapies for an assessment by phoning 0300 777 2257. Alternatively you may be referred by another professional (e.g. your doctor etc).
C.A.L.L. Helpline
Community Advice & Listening Line
Offers emotional support and information/literature on Mental Health and related matters to the people of Wales. Anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of a relative or friend can access the service. C.A.L.L. Helpline offers a confidential listening and support service. FREEPHONE: 0800 132 737 or callhelpline.org.uk