My country:

Research Themes: Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Conservation and restoration of resilient ecosystems, Earth systems science and energy, One health, Sustainable food production and Sustainable manufacturing.

REF 2021 Impact Case Studies

Showcasing the range of impact case studies submitted by Bangor University's College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

imagined COVID-19 virus
A representation of the COVID-10 virus

Environmental surveillance tools provide public health protection in Covid-19 pandemic

Bangor research has developed a range of analytical tools, technologies and models for the effective surveillance of harmful viruses in the wider environment, leading to risk-based industry standards

Working with Others

We are core members of the Envision NERC Doctoral Training Partnership, dedicated to developing next generation leaders in environmental science, together with Lancaster and Nottingham Universities and three independent research centres

We have strategic research partnerships with:

  • the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, one of whose four research stations is co-located with the College on the University’s campus in the Environment Centre Wales, constituting one of the largest groups of environmental science researchers in the UK. Our current collaboration is delivering key research evidence to the Welsh Government to inform their environmental policy development.
  • the National Oceanography Centre, with whom we have a long track-record of joint research projects in the area of physical oceanography.