Stop Smoking Wales
Here you will find information about stopping smoking and how to get free support if you, or someone you know, wants to stop smoking. It is estimated that over two thirds of smokers would like to stop so you are not alone.
Please call freephone 0800 085 2219
Speak to smokefree advisers on 0800 169 0 169
The friendly team of trained NHS advisers are here to help. They can give you information on stop smoking medicines available on prescription, advice on managing your cravings, and can tell you about your FREE Local NHS Stop Smoking Services to help you create a plan to go smokefree. When you have quit, you can call for further advice and encouragement when you need it!
Stop Smoking Start Living
Health Challenge Wales
Smoking kills 6,000 smokers in Wales each year. Giving up smoking increases your chances of living a longer and healthier life. Here are some tips to help you:
Stopping smoking is not easy but it can be done. To be successful you have to really want to stop and you have to be ready. QUIT's web site will give you practical guidance on how to quit.
This site will not lecture you on the dangers of smoking. It will encourage you to quit by telling you what you need to know and offer tips and support to make quitting easier.