Modiwlau cwrs 2P17 | BA/ENCW
BA English Literature and Creative Writing
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
QXP-1001 Creative Writing: Fact and Fic
(Full Term)
QXP-1003 Creative Writing: Poetry
(Full Term)
QXE-1013 Reading, Thinking, Writing
(Semester 1)
other Programme Optional modules
The student must take a maximum of
40 credits from the modules.
UXS-1063 Film History
(Semester 2)
LXE-1600 Transnational Cultures
(Semester 2)
UXB-1021 or UXS-1021
UXS-1021 Mass Culture
(Semester 1)
UXC-1062 or UXS-1062 The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules. The student may not take more
than 1 module.
UXC-1062 Iaith y Ffilm
(Semester 1)
UXS-1062 Film Language
(Semester 1)
UXB-1066 or UXS-1066
UXS-1066 Visual Cultures
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules The student must take between 20 and 60
credits from the modules.
English Literature Options
The student must take between 20 and 40
credits from the modules. The student must take at least 1
QXE-1003 Intro. to Pre- Modern Literatu
(Semester 1)
QXE-1014 Gothic
(Semester 1)
QXE-1004 Comedy
(Semester 2)
Childrens Fiction Creative Writing/English
Literature The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
QXP-1016 Children's Fiction (Creative)
(Semester 2)
QXE-1016 Children's Fiction
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
Compulsory English Literature Modules
The student must take a minimum of
40 credits from the modules.
QXE-2003 Exploring Early Mod Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-2005 Exploring 19th Century Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-2019 Modern & Contemporary Lit
(Semester 2)
QXE-2101 Exploring Medieval Literature
(Semester 2)
Compulsory Creative Writing Modules
The student must take a minimum of
40 credits from the modules.
QXP-2004 Creative Writing: The Novel
(Semester 1)
QXP-2009 Creative Non-Fiction
(Semester 1)
QXP-2001 C/Writing: Poetry & Short Fict
(Semester 2)
Optional English Literature modules
The student must take a maximum of
20 credits from the modules.
QXE-2115 Legends and Super Heroes
(Semester 1)
QXE-2125 Climate Change
(Semester 1)
QXE-2105 Reading Myth
(Semester 1)
QXE-2118 Monstrous Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
QXE-2117 Revolution!
(Semester 2)
QXE-2031 Writing Wales, Writing Ireland
(Semester 2)
Optional Creative Writing modules
QXP-2093 Experimental Writing
(Semester 1)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 3
Group A: Dissertation Students who choose QXP-3099 are
required to choose 40-60 credits from Group B: English
Literature Compulsory Choices. Students who choose QXE-3099
are required to choose 40-60 credits from Group A: Creative
Writing Compulsory Choices
QXP-3099 Creative Writing Dissertation
(Full Term)
QXE-3099 The English Dissertation
(Full Term)
Group B: Creative Writing Modules
Students who have chosen QXE-3099
must select at least 40 credits from this section. Students
who have chosen QXP-3099 may choose up to 40 credits (2
modules) from this section.
QXP-3025 Fantastic Fictions
(Semester 1)
QXP-3093 Experimental Writing
(Semester 1)
QXP-3109 Creative Non-Fiction
(Semester 1)
QXP-3110 Short Sharp Shocks
(Semester 2)
Group C: English Literature Modules
Students who have chosen QXP-3099
must select at least two modules (40 credits) from this
section. Students who have chosen QXE-3099 may choose up to
40 credits (to modules) from this selection.
QXE-3105 Reading Myth
(Semester 1)
QXE-3034 Legends and Super Heroes
(Semester 1)
QXE-3117 Exploring Early Modern Literat
(Semester 1)
QXE-3116 Exploring 19th-Century Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-3355 Climate Change
(Semester 1)
QXE-3200 Revolution!
(Semester 2)
QXE-3118 Exploring Medieval Literature
(Semester 2)
QXE-3031 Writing Wales, Writing Ireland
(Semester 2)
QXE-3019 Modern & Contemporary Lit
(Semester 2)
QXE-3113 The Monstrous Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
Other Options The student must take a maximum of 40
credits from the modules. The student may not take more
than 2 modules.
UXS-3100 Digital Journalism & Society
(Semester 2)
UXC-3033 or UXS-3033 The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules. The student may not take more
than 1 module.
UXC-3033 Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf
(Semester 1)
UXS-3033 Practical Digital Journalism
(Semester 1)