Modiwl DXX-3214:
Agroforestry 2024-25
School Of Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Tim Pagella
Topics covered in the course will include: classification of agroforestry systems; agoforestry design, adoption, the role of agroforstry in resilience/land sharing strategies, regulating benefits from agroforestry systems, agroforestry and prodction, Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and Agroforestry and policy
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Grades D- to D+ Demonstrate a basic understanding of agroforestry systems tderived purely from the lecture content. In addition to the above, students are able to present basic arguments for and against particular approaches to sustainable land use where agroforestry might be appropriate. They must also be able to demonstrate some understanding about how farmers and land owners make desicions about agroforestry adoption. -good -Grades C- to B+. Demonstrate how to assess and evaluate a range of agroforestry systems. This will, include evidence of additional reading beyond the lecture content . In addition, students should be able to present clearly argue for and against particular approaches to sustainable land use where agroforestry might be appropriate. They must also be able to analyse and synthesise most aspects of the decision making that underpins agroforestry adoption decisions by farmers and other land users. -excellent -Grades A- and above. Demonstrate a clear comprehension of various facets of agroforestry systems that goes beyond lecture content drawing on the wider reading associated with the module. In addition to the above, students should be able to present well reasoned arguments for and against particular approaches to sustainable land use where agroforestry might be appropriate. They must also be able to analyse and synthesise arguments and information underpinning adoption decisions by farmers and other land users and to critically evaluate the tools used to assess outputs from agroforestry systems across a range of scales
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to analyse and classify agroforestry practices based upon their components and their various spatial and temporal arrangements
- To be able to catagorise and contrast challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption (and expansion) of agroforestry systems in a range of contexts
- To be able to critically evaluate how agroforestry practices feed into a range of natural resource paradigms (including resilience and agroecological approaches).
- To be able to determine how to assess and analyse the ecophysiological processes that underpin the design of agroforestry systems
Assessment method
Assessment type
Design Plan Development of an agroforestry design plan for one of a set of specified farming contexts. The designs will include clear justifications for the decisions that demonstrate agroforestry principles
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Agroforestry Field Visit report This will be a report based on a visit to an agroforestry field sights and will include information on the types of agoforestry practice present, strengths and limitations and describe potential opportunities for scaling out
Due date