Professional Placement 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 1
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Rebecca Jones
The placement consists of a block placement of a minimum of 4 weeks in length, to be undertaken at any suitable juncture in the academic year. The placement organization is arranged by the student, with the approval of the University. The placement provides students with real-life professional experience which will enhance the understanding of the link between theory and practice in a range of geographical and environmental fields. The placement provides students with the opportunity to develop their future employment directions, and enhance their employability by employing self-direction, motivation and originality in a professional environment.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Showing an ability to apply the academic components of the course to professional situations. Undertake professional activities with competence, diligence and with full appreciation of health and safety issues. Produce and present a portfolio and presentation that adequately describes activities conducted during the placement. Submitting and completing a competent application and interview for a professional role.
-good -Showing good ability to apply the academic components of the course to professional situations. Evidence of an ability to work independently and as part of a team in a professional manner. Display adeptness at networking and communicating with environmental practitioners. Submitting and completing a robust application and interview for a professional role.
-excellent -Showing an excellent ability to apply the academic components of the course to professional situations. Evidence of an ability to lead and innovate in professional conduct, and to challenge theory in a practical context. Demonstrate an ability to develop and communicate an informed perspective on a range of environmental issues. Display excellent professional conduct and an ability to network and communicate with environmental practitioners. Submitting and completing an excellent application and interview for a professional role.
Learning Outcomes
- Self-direction, motivation and originality in professional activity.
- The application of key and transferable skills.
- To communicate experience gained in a professional environment, both orally and in written form.
- To critically evaluate operations within the placement organization with which they are familiar.
- To critically evaluate the individual contribution to the placement organization’s activities.
- To participate in a formal interview for an occupation in a professional manner
- To submit a professional application for an advertised occupation
- Well-developed understanding of the scope and operation of their placement organisation.
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Individual presentation on the professional placement
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Portfolio on the professional placement
Due date
Assessment method
Oral Test
Assessment type
Mock job interview
Due date