Modiwl DXX-4515:
Contemporary Forestry
Contemporary Forestry 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Paul Cross
This module is comprised of 2 introductory sub-modules (3 e-lessons each), 7 core content sub-modules (3-6 e-lessons each), plus one (optional) supplementary sub-module. 1. Introduction (un-assessed) - Starting up 2. Introduction (un-assessed) - Are you climate friendly? 3. The climate issues: IPCC forecasts; community-based resilience; strategies to react. 4. Best practices: Project activities; Additionality; Permanence; Leakage; Co-benefits. 5. Policy-Institutional initiatives: UNFCC; CDM JI; Post-Kyoto; REDD+. 6. Policy-Voluntary initiatives What and why; Who is who; Fields of activities; Prices & trends; Carbon washing. 7. Carbon standards: Why and what; Types of standards; Who does what; Registries; Case studies. 8. Project building-1: Actiors’ map; Project phases; Validation and certification; Fundraising; monitoring; Discounting and credit marketing. 9. Project building-2: Testing Additionality; Baseline calculations; Estimating permanence; Estimating leakage. 10. Supplementary (un-assessed) - Ready to be a CO2 hero?: Synergies with forest management standards; benefit sharing mechanisms; local and indigenous community participation.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Successful completion of 3 – 4 sub-modules. Examination mark 40-50%
-good -Successful completion of 5 - 6 sub-modules. Examination mark 50-80%
-excellent -Successful completion of all 7 sub-modules. Examination mark >80%
Learning Outcomes
- Communicate effectively and succinctly, and in a timely fashion, through e-communication channels.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how this issue is perceived by the scientists, policy makers, other stakeholders and the general public
- Evaluate critically the arguments associated with a specific forestry issue.
- Study and critique a range of scientific literature and explain and illustrate specific aspects of the chosen topic
- Use online distance learning technologies to direct and assess students’ own specific learning activities
Assessment method
Assessment type