Modiwlau cwrs F800 | BSC/GEOG
BSC Geography
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
ENS-1101 Geography Field Study (NW)
(Full Term)
ENS-1100 Earth Systems and Processes
(Semester 1)
Compulsory Choice Modules - Year 1
Tutorials The
student must take 10 credits from the modules.
ENS-1000 Year 1 Tutorials
(Full Term)
ENC-1000 Tiwtorial Blwyddyn 1
(Full Term)
Compulsory Choice Modules - Year 1
Skills The
student must take 20 credits from the modules.
ONC-1001 Dadansoddi Data Amgylcheddol
(Full Term)
ONS-1001 Environmental data & analysis
(Full Term)
ENS-1102 / ENC-1102 The student must take 20 credits from
the modules.
ENC-1102 Cyflwyno Daear. Dynol
(Semester 1)
ENS-1102 Introducing Human Geographies
(Semester 1)
Optional Modules (Physical Geography)
Students must choose ONE or TWO of
the physical geography modules
OSX-1003 Earth, Climate & Evolution
(Semester 2)
ENS-1200 Ecosystem Function & Services
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules (Human Geography)
Students can choose ONE or NONE of
the human geography modules.
HXH-1012 Britain: Blitz to Brexit
(Semester 2)
SXU-1006 / SCU-1006 The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
SCU-1006 Rhaniadau Cymdeithasol
(Semester 2)
SXU-1006 Social Divisions
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
DXX-2000 GIS & Research Methods
(Full Term)
DXX-2006 Climate Chng: Science & Impact
(Semester 1)
DXX-2008 Geohazards
(Semester 1)
DXX-2011 Catchment Processes
(Semester 2)
DXX-2015 Geog F/work & Research Skills
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules The student must take 20 credits from
the modules.
DXC-2018 Geomorffoleg Afonol
(Semester 1)
DXX-2002 Water, air & soil pollution
(Semester 1)
OSX-2011 Ice and Oceans
(Semester 1)
DXX-2003 Principles of Conservation
(Semester 1)
OSX-2005 Remote Sensing & Geophysics
(Semester 2)
DXX-2007 Space, Power and Ideology
(Semester 2)
DXX-2001 / DXC-2001
DXX-2001 Sustain Dev: Global to Local
(Full Term)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 3
The student must take 120 credits from
the modules.
DXX-3018 Rivers, Coast and Oceans
(Semester 2)
DXX-3701 / DXC-3701 The student must take 30 credits from
the modules.
DXC-3701 Traethawd Hir
(Full Term)
DXX-3701 Dissertation
(Full Term)
Optional Modules Students can take either DXC/DXX-3506 or
DXC/XX-3508. Students can take either DXC/DXX-3003 or
DXX-3305. Students can take either DXC/DXX-3600 or
OSX-3025 Marine Geology & Applications
(Semester 1)
DXX-3615 Environmental Policy
(Semester 1)
SXU-3131 Climate Change and the Politic
(Semester 1)
DXX-3804 The Urban Anthropocene
(Semester 1)
DXX-3305 Field Course: Tenerife
(Semester 1)
DXX-3020 Environmental Geochemistry
(Semester 1)
DXX-3707 Catchment Modelling & Analysis
(Semester 2)
HTA-3126 Geoarchaeology
(Semester 2)
DXX-3402 Waste Management & Utilisation
(Semester 2)
DXX-3115 Advanced GIS & Remote Sensing
(Semester 2)
DXX-3507 Renewable Energy
(Semester 2)
DXX-3017 GoverningSociety & Environment
(Semester 2)
DXX-3009 / DXC-3009 The student must take 20 credits from
the modules.
DXC-3009 Lleoliad Proffessiynol
(Semester 1)
DXX-3009 Professional Placement
(Semester 1)
DXX3601 / DXC-3601 The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
DXC-3601 Daearydd Bwyd: Arloesi a Mentr
(Full Term)
DXX-3601 Food Geography: Entrep & Innov
(Full Term)
DXX-3600 / DXC-3600 The student must take a maximum of 10
credits from the modules.
DXC-3600 Daearyddiaeth Bwyd
(Semester 1)
DXX-3600 Food Geographies
(Semester 1)
DXX-3508 / DXC-3508 The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
DXC-3508 Materion Amgylcheddol
(Semester 1)
DXX-3508 Environmental Issues
(Semester 1)
DXX-3506 / DXC-3506 The student must take a maximum of 10
credits from the modules.
DXC-3506 Materion Cyfoes yr Amgylchedd
(Semester 1)
DXX-3506 C. Issues in Env & related Sci
(Semester 1)