Modiwl LXE-0002:
Transnational Cultures
Transnational Cultures 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Armelle Blin-Rolland
Through a weekly combination of lecture and seminar, this module will first introduce you to key concepts and methods in modern languages research (including questions such as language variation across time and space, language conflict, translation, intercultural communication and reading in the target language). The course will then cover five thematic blocks of two weeks each devoted to the following subjects in transnational cultural studies (colonialism, travel, popular cultures, art, testimony). During each thematic block, students will be first introduced to relevant key concepts and then shown, through a variety of applications and case studies, how engagement with language-related issues enhances our understanding of each these concepts and beyond.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+ For the award of credit, students should demonstrate a satisfactory comprehension of the various topics studied, with some understanding of the correlations and interrelations highlighted. They should demonstrate a limited awareness of theoretical issues. Submitted work should demonstrate an attempt to avoid major weakness in presentation.
-good -C- to B+ For the award of higher grades, students should demonstrate a solid comprehension of the various topics studied, with clear understanding of the correlations and interrelations highlighted, having also analysed and evaluated key sources. They should demonstrate a satisfactory grasp of theoretical issues. Submitted work should not contain large numbers of factual or typographical errors.
-excellent -A- and above: For the award of the highest grade, students should demonstrate a detailed comprehension of the various topics studied, with a nuanced understanding of the correlations and interrelations highlighted, having also analysed and evaluated key sources thoroughly. They should demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of, and engagement with, key theoretical issues; submitted work must be presented to high standards.
Learning Outcomes
- Comprehend how knowledge of modern languages helps us to understand cultural and historical phenomena from multiple disciplinary perspectives.
- Confidently analyse a wide range of cultural products in their historical context and from transnational perspectives
- Engage with cutting-edge scholarship on cultural analysis and its applications to contexts across time and space
- Recognise, value and work with linguistic and cultural diversity
- Use a range of theoretical and critical approaches that are key to modern language study
Assessment method
Assessment type
Final essay
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Reflective commentary
Due date