Modiwl NHS-3115:
Emergency Practitioner
Emergency Practitioner 2024-25
School Of Medical And Health Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
60 credits
Module Organiser:
Gillian Roberts
Topics may include:
- History taking and Examination
- Physical assessment skills
- Documentation (medical documentation)
- Forming a diagnosis
- Clinical Governance
- Paediatrics Ethics
- Consent & Legal issues
- Anatomy
- Radiology: Upper Limb IRmer Lower Limb X-ray interpretation and good practice
- Head & Neck
- Pharmacology
- Pain management
- Spine Pelvis
- Skin Local anaesthetics
- Trauma
- Mechanism and patterns of injury
- Clinical Conditions Limb Injuries, Head injuries (minor)
- Fractures, Sprains ,Wound management, Suturing, Burns, Knee injuries and conditions. Shoulder and Elbow.
- Hand Infections
- Common Ophthalmic presentations
- Ear Nose and Throat
- Bites and stings
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Basic understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module. Basic understanding of issues relating to chronic disease. Students will be required to achieve a minimum of D- grade in order to pass the theory component of the module.
-good -Very Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module. Good understanding of issues relating to the emergency practitioner. This equates to a minimum mark of Grade B-in the Grading Criteria.
-excellent - An excellent understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module and evidence of additional evidence gained by the student. Very good understanding of issues relating to the emergency practitioner. This equates to a minimum mark of Grade A- in the Grading Criteria
-another level-Good understanding of the facts and principles specific to the topics covered in this module. . Good understanding of issues relating to the emergency practitioner. This equates to a minimum mark of Grade C- in the Grading Criteria
Learning Outcomes
- Appraise and critically evaluate the legal and ethical issues involved in patient management and through advancing practice.
- Assess, diagnose, manage, treat or refer patients presenting with a minor injury appropriately with minimal medical supervision.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the underlying anatomy of both normal function and common minor injuries.
- Display a mastery of physical examination techniques and be able to critically evaluate the process used in order to make a clinical decision.
Assessment type
Assessment type
Assessment type
Assessment type