Modiwl OSX-4021:
Sediment Geotechnics
Sediment Geotechnics 2024-25
School of Ocean Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Dei Huws
In list form, the syllabus can be summarised thus:
Index properties and classification schemes
Pore pressure, total stress and effective stress
Permeability, critical hydraulic gradient, potential, flow net solutions
1-D consolidation
Shear strength
The practical element will typically include the measurement of:
moisture content, specific gravity, particle size distribution, pore water salinity, density, organic matter content, carbonate content, Atterberg limits, consolidation properties, undrained shear strength
Assessment Strategy
Threshold - (Pass) - Partial understanding of basic theoretical principles of sediment geotechnics (within the scope of the curriculum, learning outcomes and skills outlined here). Basic ability to solve numerical problems associated geotechnical investigation. Basic ability to acquire, process, interpret and present geotechnical data
Good - (Merit) - Clear understanding of basic principles of sediment geotechnics (within the scope of the curriculum, learning outcomes and skills outlined here). Ability to solve numerical problems associated geotechnical investigation. Ability to acquire, process, interpret and present geotechnical data
Excellent - (Distinction) - Thorough understanding of basic principles of sediment geotechnics (within the scope of the curriculum, learning outcomes and skills outlined here). Highly developed ability to solve numerical problems associated geotechnical investigation. Highly developed ability to acquire, process, interpret and present geotechnical data
Learning Outcomes
- Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to show an appreciation of the role of pore fluid and pore fluid pressure on soil behaviour
- Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be aware of and be familiar with the various classification schemes available for describing soils or sediments
- Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to conduct a range of geotechnical laboratory tests within the framework of British Standards protocols so as to quantify and classify the soil on the basis of the results
- Upon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to manipulate geotechnical data in order to interpret laboratory data and solve numerical problems based on field applications.
- Upon successful completion of this module, the student should understand how geotechnical properties control the response of soil to load
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
OSX4021 Examination
Assessment type
Exercise Sheet - a series of short probems are released as the module progresses with a single final deadline. Students are encouraged to start as soon as the topics have been covered in the lecture series. Equivalent to 1200 words of text - though word count will be much less than this. (These are numerical problems.)
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Index Properties of a Marine Sediment Practical Analysis Students will have conducted an extensive series of geotechnical laboratory tests and this is the ensuing 'report'. However, it is reduced to focussing mainly on data analysis. They are given a prescribed set of tasks to complete that result in tables and plots of data. A final section asks them to critically reflect on the meaning and validity of the data (500 words).
Due date