Modiwl PMP-4016:
Mind.TeachersProf.Pathway MTPP
Mindfulness Teacher Professional Pathway (MTPP) 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1 & 2
15 credits
Module Organiser:
Sophie Sansom
This Module is the end-point of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice Teacher Training Pathway (TTP). In order to register for this module students must have completed The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice Teacher Training Pathway, (TTP) Parts1 and 2A.
The module offers the opportunity for those teaching mindfulness-based courses as part of their work to gain academic credits and have their teaching competence assessed via the Mindfulness-Based Interventions – Teaching Assessment Criteria, and gain an Award of Competence in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses. This award also recognises that they have met the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice’s highly regarded and stringent standards of training to teach mindfulness-based courses. For the student this experience will combine a focus on both personal and professional development with an opportunity to gain recognition for mindfulness-based teaching competence. Students will be encouraged to integrate the following areas: awareness of personal process, experience of teaching practice, and the theories and rationales underlying mindfulness-based courses. The module will offer, a structure for assessing the student teacher while they work within their own professional context, and with the client group they customarily train in mindfulness. There will be a focus on professional and ethical issues.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -C- Meets the criteria in both practical and written assessmentStudents must meet threshold level in all domains described here. At least two key features at a competent level in most domains, but one or more major problems and/or significant inconsistencies that require further development. Student adequately takes care of participants’ emotional and physical safety. Student would at a very basic level be considered ‘fit for practice’ as co-teachers / under supervision – the participants would not be harmed and are likely to have opportunities for learning.Domain 1: Coverage, pacing and organisation of session curriculum.Domain 2: Relational skillsDomain 3: Embodiment of mindfulnessDomain 4: Guiding mindfulness practicesDomain 5: Conveying course themes through interactive inquiry and didactic teachingDomain 6: Management of group learning environment -good -B- B+ Meets the following criteria in both practical and written assessment:All key features are present in all domains, with very few and very minor inconsistencies and evidence of good ability and skill. The teacher is able consistently to demonstrate these skills over the range of aspects to Mindfulness Based Intervention teaching.Domain 1: Coverage, pacing and organisation of session curriculum. Domain 2: Relational skills Domain 3: Embodiment of mindfulness Domain 4: Guiding mindfulness practices Domain 5: Conveying course themes through interactive inquiry and didactic teaching Domain 6: Management of group learning environment -excellent -A- A* Meets the criteria in both practical and written assessments. Expected key features are present with evidence of considerable ability. The teaching is particularly inspirational and excellent. The teacher no longer uses rules, guidelines or maxims. He/she has deep tacit understanding of the issues and is able to work in an original and flexible manner. The skills are demonstrated even in the face of difficulties (e.g. challenges from the group).Domain 1: Coverage, pacing and organisation of session curriculum. Domain 2: Relational skills Domain 3: Embodiment of mindfulness Domain 4: Guiding mindfulness practices Domain 5: Conveying course themes through interactive inquiry and didactic teaching Domain 6: Management of group learning environment -another level-C-C+Meets the criteria in both practical and written assessment:Most key features are present in all domains, with possibly some good features, but a number of problems and/or some inconsistencies are present. Teacher demonstrates a workable level of competence and they are clearly ‘fit for practice’.Domain 1: Coverage, pacing and organisation of session curriculum. Domain 2: Relational skills Domain 3: Embodiment of mindfulness Domain 4: Guiding mindfulness practices Domain 5: Conveying course themes through interactive inquiry and didactic teaching Domain 6: Management of group learning environment
Learning Outcomes
- 1 Demonstrate competence in teaching mindfulness based courses, (usually MBSR/MBCT) which would constitute 'fitness to teach', within the students own profession. This will be shown by demonstrating ability to guide the key practices of MBSR/MBCT.
- 2) Demonstrate awareness of professional and ethical issues, including use of supervision.
- 3 Demonstrate relevant teaching skills by selecting, organising and evaluating teaching materials, to facilitate integration of theoretical and experiential learning .
- 4 Demonstrate relevant qualities for teaching mindfulness-based approaches
including embodiment of mindfulness and warmth of approach.
- 5 Demonstrate responsive and flexible pacing to cover an appropriate curriculum, as well as holding a group learning environment and managing challenges and difficulties
- 6 Demonstrate good relational skills throughout teaching.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Report on experience of teaching 8 week mindfulness course
Assessment method
Assessment type
Recorded teaching 8 week mindfulness course