Modiwl PPP-1002:
Stress & Distress
Stress & Distress in Health & Mental Health 2024-25
School of Psychology & Sport Science
Module - Semester 1
10 credits
Module Organiser:
Shreyasi Desai
This module will introduce concepts of physical and mental health and describe biopsychosocial approaches to health behaviour and mental disorders. The key topics taught in lectures will include: for Health Psychology: definitions of health, models of health behaviour, and stress and illness. Clinical psychology lectures will include: the classification and diagnosis of mental disorders, explanations of psychopathology, and mood disorders, and issues around assessment and intervention. The module provides students with opportunities to consider mental and physical health constructs, the diagnosis and assessment of mental disorder as well as inequality within diagnosis and treatment for such illnesses.
Module content will include; An introduction to the module/topic Health Psychology Health Behaviour and Models of Health Behaviour Change Stress, Illness, and Coping Clinical Psychology Paradigms in Clinical Psychology Schizophrenia & mental health disorder Substance Use and Dependency Disorders Psychological Assessment and Intervention
Assessment Strategy
Threshold -D- to C+- The work only demonstrates knowledge of the psychological and physical impact of stress and distress (including knowledge of relevant theory/paradigms) - There is limited evidence of originality or of background study - The work contains some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure Arguments are presented but they lack coherence - The work contains factual errors with little evidence of problem solving - The are weaknesses in the standard of presentation and its accuracy
Good -B- to B+ - The work displays a sound knowledge of of the psychological and physical impact of stress and distress (including knowledge of relevant theory/paradigms) but with some limitations - There is evidence of background study - The work has a defined and logical structure but with some weaknesses in the way in the arguments are presented - There is some original interpretation of topics - The work is presented carefully with accurate information and few factual errors
Excellent -A- to A** - The work displays comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding of the psychological and physical impact of stress and distress (including knowledge of relevant theory/paradigms) reflecting extensive background study - The work is highly focussed, well structured, logically presented and with defended arguments - The work considers the topics in an original way - The work is presented to a high standard with accurate information and no factual errors
Learning Outcomes
- Comprehend the major issues involved in assessing mental disorders
- Demonstrate an understanding of the major paradigms in abnormal psychology
- Demonstrate knowledge of the DSM classification system of mental disorders
- Describe criteria by which abnormality is defined
- Describe major models of health behaviour change.
- Describe the concept of health and mental health.
- Describe the concept of stress and a key psychological theory of stress
- Outline the main psychosocial factors that influence health behaviours and health-risk behaviours
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
The midterm exam for this module consists of a 1 hour time multiple choice exam which has 32 questions based on the lecture content from Week 1 to 4. This will be a one hour timed exam held during Week 7.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Written Assignment Task - for this assessment students will be asked to create an information resource (written leaflet) designed for individuals who have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia/ other mental health disorder OR a diagnosed Substance Use or dependency Disorder. Students will also be required to submit a 500 word justification of why the leaflet has been designed in the way it has and on what evidence (with citations and listed references), with evidence of paradigms used, and consideration of stigma.
Due date