Modiwl SXL-0001:
Introduction to Law & Justice
Introduction to Law and Justice 2024-25
School Of History, Law And Social Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Anna Monnereau
Each week students explore concepts of law, justice, morality and ethics, by examining fictional case studies, real case law, and contemporary news stories. Staff within the School of Law discuss case studies on different topics to broaden students' knowledge. Interactive classes ensure there is an opportunity to discuss the ideas and concepts in detail.
Assessment Strategy
The module is assessed with 1: a 'structure' exercise in class. Students will be given an essay question and have to draft an answer focusing on the components of the introduction/conclusion and plan of the development. 2: a knwoledge-based overviewing exam of about 1 simple question per lecture. There will be no use of laptops for these lectures.
-threshold -D- to D+ (40-49%) An answer which, while predominantly correct in its presentation of material, contains a significant level of error and is therefore not entirely reliable.
-another level-C- to C+ (50-59%) An answer which, while always in the main accurate and correct, fails to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant material and is lacking in criticism. An answer which while reliable with regard to correctness is either not comprehensive or not entirely pertinent.
-good -B- to B+ (60-69%) High Standard: A comprehensive answer, containing all the material relevant to the question and no irrelevancy, all the material and references being accurate and correct, there being no inaccuracy or error, the whole presented in an argument which, while clear, logical and critical, leaves room for improvement in its construction and presentation. An answer which shows complete competence in the subject.
-excellent -A- to A* (70+%) An outstanding answer containing all the material relevant to the question and no irrelevancy, all the material and references being accurate and correct, there being no inaccuracy or error, the whole presented in a clear, logical, critical argument with little room for improvement. An answer which demonstrates a complete mastery of the subject
Learning Outcomes
- Apply key legal principles to legal problems
- Demonstrate critical thinking and evaluation.
- Demonstrate effective written communication.
- Explain fundamental concepts within the study of law
- Explain the links between law, justice, morality and ethics
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
Assessment method
Class Test
Assessment type
2h essay structure exercise (will be scheduled last week in March before Easter break).