Modiwl UXS-4100:
MRes Humanities: Dissertation
MRes Humanities: Dissertation 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 1 & 2
120 credits
Module Organiser:
John Cunningham
Working largly indpendently, you will undertake an ambitious research or creative project in the areas of film, media or journalism. Drawing on your knowledge of the subject areas and critical or creative methodologies and skills, you will produce either a research dissertation reporting on your findings and the process by which you developed your research. Alternatively, you may choose to undertake a piece of creative work (film, writing, podcasting, etc). If so, at the end of the course you will submit that create piece along with a critical discussion of the process or the research that informed the creative work. As well as working on the research or creative project, you will attend several taught modules to support you in your work.
With guidance, students will be asked to choose a topic of their own for further research, They will be expected to produce an independently researched and produced piece which will reflect and prove the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the taught modules. The topic chosen may be specific to one culture or comparative.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -C/50%Summarizes relevant scholarship in an area; capable of recognising the most obvious counter-arguments; documents the majority of sources correctly; structures exposition and arguments clearly.
-good -B/60%Capable of original insights, though not always exploring or recognising their full significance; shows a critical understanding of the relevant scholarship in the field; structures exposition and arguments clearly.
-excellent -A/70%Work presented to a standard which would be acceptable for publication in an appropriate specialist journal; demonstrates critical understanding of relevant scholarship, and places original insights in the context of that scholarship.
Learning Outcomes
- The ability to apply critical, research, and analytical and/or practical and technical skills developed over semesters one and two.
- The effective management of material and time in producing a substantial piece of independently researched work.
- To argue a case convincingly, showing depth of knowledge and critical understanding of the chosen topic.
Assessment method
Assessment type
MRes Dissertation (PGR)
Due date