The Principles of Assessment 2024-25
School of Education
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Huw Clwyd Phillips
This module is intended to introduce teachers to the theory of psychometric and informal assessment. Participants will be helped to reflect on the purposes of normative and criterion referenced assessment and to appraise critically a range of materials that are available for use by teachers. They will also be introduced to the development of informal assessment and clinical observation. Opportunities will be given for practice in administering tests. The range of conditions that can lead to specific learning difficulties will be reviewed. Topics will include: • theoretical background to test construction; • methods of standardisation – scaling, reliability and validity; • defining assessment needs; • selecting appropriate type of assessment process and test; • clinical observation; • giving oral feedback; • protocols of testing – disability discrimination, security, confidentiality etc; • comparison of a range of cognitive and attainment tests; • consideration of factors that might impact on a child's success at school; • the preparation of reports following assessment and giving oral feedback; • carrying out assessments in order to recommend special arrangements in SATS and GCSA/GCE examinations; • the writing of reports using the structure required by SASC, consistent with SASC guidelines • screening and assessment for dyslexia; • Introduction to the raft of Specific Learning Difficulties, their identification and assessment. • This module requires all students to carry out 3 assessments in their own workplace. One must be peer supervised and one will be observed/viewed by a tutor.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -(C) All learning outcomes will have been met to a satisfactory level. Knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a satisfactory range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will have demonstrated satisfactory evidence of critical analysis when reflecting on teaching and learning. Students will have developed their study skills to a satisfactory standard and will be able to communicate to a satisfactory standard in a professional and academic context.
-good -(B) Most learning outcomes will have been met to a good level. Excellence in some learning outcomes may balance satisfactory attainment in others .A good knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a good range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will provide good critical analysis when reflecting on a significant range of teaching and learning styles. Students will have developed their study skills to a good standard and will be able to communicate to a good standard in a professional and academic context.
-excellent -(A) Most learning outcomes will have been met to an excellent level and all learning outcomes will be at least good. A deep knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by an extensive range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will provide excellent critical analysis when reflecting on a wide range of teaching and learning styles. Students will have developed their study skills to an excellent standard and will be able to communicate to an excellent standard in a professional and academic context.
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to communicate effectively with other professionals and with parents about the, difficulties and needs of children they have assessed.
- Be able to demonstrate that they are able to carry out an assessment using a range of appropriately selected materials and evaluate the outcome.
- Be able to evaluate critically the test materials at their disposal and be able to assist colleagues who wish to select appropriate kinds of assessment for different kinds of pupil-needs.
- Be able to interpret findings (including statistical information) and conclusions.
- Be able to use information to recommend appropriate intervention.
- Be able to write a professional report based on their findings including making informed recommendations about intervention or special arrangements needed by pupils/students.
- Be familiar with a range of cognitive and attainment tests available to teachers and will be able to make a critical evaluation and informed choice of tests for specific purposes.
- Have become familiar with the presenting features of other learning difficulties that are co-morbid with dyslexia.
- Have scrutinised and reflected on the format and style in which reports are written.
- Understand of the process of assessment of attainment and of cognitive ability, particularly as these relate to dyslexia and the difficulties it causes.
- •To be able to produce written reports using the structure required by SASC, consistent with SASC guidelines
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
• This module requires all students to carry out three full diagnostic assessments in their own workplace. One must be peer supervised and one will be observed/viewed by a tutor. • Each full diagnostic report must be accompanied by a separate commentary of approximately 2000 words. • All assessments must be written using SASC guidelines and meet their full criteria
Due date
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
• This module requires all students to carry out three full diagnostic assessments in their own workplace. One must be peer supervised and one will be observed/viewed by a tutor. • Each full diagnostic report must be accompanied by a separate commentary of approximately 2000 words. • All assessments must be written using SASC guidelines and meet their full criteria
Due date
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
• This module requires all students to carry out three full diagnostic assessments in their own workplace. One must be peer supervised and one will be observed/viewed by a tutor. • Each full diagnostic report must be accompanied by a separate commentary of approximately 2000 words. • All assessments must be written using SASC guidelines and meet their full criteria
Due date