Modiwl XTE-4311:
Primary Prof, Ped and Core (AL
Professional, Pedagogical and Core Studies (ALN) 2024-25
School of Education
Module - Semester 1 & 2
30 credits
Module Organiser:
Fliss Kyffin
This module presents essential elements of teaching and learning and gives Associate Teachers the tools to understand how education is planned, delivered and evaluated. The focus will be on the classroom initially, and will then look at how schools plan and deliver the curriculum within a national context. ATs will explore neurodiversity, its impact on learners and ways of addressing learner needs.
ATs will study the importance of addressing learners’ needs within the Four Purposes of Learning, develop an understanding of how the curriculum is structured around the six Areas of Learning and Experience, and have the opportunity to experience curriculum planning in placement schools.
The overall aims and purposes of the module will enable ATs to:
• Reflect critically on effective classroom management, organisation, planning and assessment for teaching and learning;
• Develop understanding of the context, history and diversity of Welsh educational settings;
• Develop understanding of how to plan for inclusion, ALN (Additional Learning Needs) and understand teachers’ statutory responsibilities; to include safeguarding and use of pupil voice;
• Demonstrate how the content is matched to the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership and develop understanding of how this informs ATs’ development in teaching the Curriculum for Wales;
• Enable ATs to identify how Welsh can be integrated into their teaching;
• Develop ATs Welsh language skills and recognise their progress throughout the course using a range of bespoke formative and summative assessments;
• Explore the effective use of cross-curricular teaching and of technology for learning safely and creatively.
In this module, ATs will be encouraged to critically evaluate current research and offer original interpretations of the latest theory. The content will be presented in a way that will encourage ATs to master complex and expert knowledge of educational evidence.
ATs will study the aims and goals of bilingual education from the different perspectives, to include the specific issues associated with assessment of bilinguals, and the expected and realistic outcomes for different types of bilinguals.
ATs will be taught subject specific bilingual pedagogical approaches, alongside those with a more general application (to include trans-language, monolingual/bilingual discourse).
Barriers to learning will be explored critically with particular attention given to additional learning needs (ALN) and the effect of poverty on attainment. Notions of equity will be critically examined, considering diverse cultural, linguistic, religious, and socioeconomic factors.
ATs will explore initiatives to promote the health and well-being of all children so that they can develop as ethical and informed citizens of Wales and the wider world. Through engaging with the pupil voice, ATs will critically examine the impact of these initiatives in practice to improve and embed provision and the experience of pupils.
Inclusive Classrooms; Principles of person-centred practice; Introduction to the Additional Learning Needs Code and Act, its purpose, ethos, and the responsibility of teaching practitioners; Universal Design for Learning.
Role of the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo), school settings, working with Teaching Assistants and other support workers.
Consideration of specific ALN matters including Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia; Correct language use; Prevalence of ASD; Diagnostic labels and classifications; Theoretical perspectives: Theory of Mind, Executive function, Central Coherence; Learning abilities and Difficulties; Case study and seminar discussion; Classroom Strategies; Sensory Difficulties; Resources; Dyslexia as a SpLD in the Classroom; The vicious cycle of stress; Practical Teaching Approaches.
During lead school days, there will be a focus on: • Communication development and support for neurodiverse learners; • Neurodiversity and behaviour for learning; • Neurodiversity in learners with complex needs; • Writing IDPs to support neurodiverse learners; • Working with families of neurodiverse learners; • Working with agencies that support neurodiverse learners.
The module aligns with the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales, and provides a scaffold for the ATs' demonstration of the standards in practice In addition, the strands of research literacy, core academic skills development and meta-cognition inform the module throughout.
Associate Teachers (ATs) will study:
A range of established learning theories (e.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, Bruner, Hattie, Dweck) giving Associate Teachers the analytical tools to critically evaluate learning and concepts of pedagogy within their context. Social, cultural, cognitive and psychological dimensions of learning will be explored enabling Associate Teachers to analyse learning effectively and reflect on their own practice;
Concepts of classroom management, informing Associate Teachers’ planning and ensuring their practice and their reflection on practice is based on research, theory and evidence. The nature of evidence and knowledge will be considered allowing Associate Teachers to evaluate the impact of their actions on learning in context;
Assessment and its range of applications; for example: effective questioning; short and mid-term curriculum planning; reporting to parents; research evidence and professional enquiry; public examinations and statutory tests;
Curriculum documentation and design at policy level, from the research perspective and at the level of pupils’ experiences in order to develop a critical engagement with current practice, cross-curricular developments and new initiatives (e.g. literacy, numeracy and digital competence);
The distinctive heritage of Welsh educational settings, policy and culture and engage critically and collaboratively in how it influences local contexts and pupils’ experiences;
The role of pupil voice enabling Associate Teachers to value the rights of children and respond to the needs of all learners. All relevant concepts regarding safeguarding will be explored in depth; e.g. school policies; online safeguarding for both Associate Teachers and learners in school; the ethical aspects of teacher research; child protection; possible abuse and well-being;
The complex social, cultural, emotional and personal influences on learners from a theoretical perspective and how this is applied in practice. This will enable Associate Teachers to address the needs of all learners in the classroom. Notions of equity will be critically examined, considering diverse cultural, linguistic, religious, and socioeconomic factors;
ALN, Inclusion and Differentiation. Barriers to learning will be explored critically with particular attention given to additional learning needs (ALN) and the effect of poverty on attainment. Inclusive Classrooms; Principles of person-centred practice; Introduction to the Additional Learning Needs Code and Act, its purpose, ethos, and the responsibility of teaching practitioners; Universal Design for Learning. Role of the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo), school settings, working with Teaching Assistants and other support workers. Notions of equity will be critically examined, considering diverse cultural, linguistic, religious, and socioeconomic factors.
Neurodiversity. Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia; Correct language use; Prevalence of ASD; Diagnostic labels and classifications; Theoretical perspectives: Theory of Mind, Executive function, Central Coherence; Learning abilities and Difficulties; Case study and seminar discussion; Classroom Strategies; Sensory Difficulties; Resources; Dyslexia as a SpLD in the Classroom; The vicious cycle of stress; Practical Teaching Approaches. There will be a focus on: • Communication development and support for neurodiverse learners; • Neurodiversity and behaviour for learning; • Neurodiversity in learners with complex needs; • Writing IDPs to support neurodiverse learners; • Working with families of neurodiverse learners; • Working with agencies that support neurodiverse learners.
The diverse needs of all Associate Teachers will be addressed from linguistic, cultural and policy perspectives. All Associate Teachers will develop their use of the Welsh language; from beginners to fluent speakers who wish to enhance their writing skills. The diverse linguistic profiles of North Wales will be studied and expectations of Welsh language use will be presented according to Welsh Government policy;
All content and assessments will develop Associate Teachers’ thinking skills, enabling them to communicate complex arguments and theories to a range of audiences.
The module aligns with the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales, and provides a scaffold for the ATs' demonstration of the standards in practice In addition, the strands of research literacy, core academic skills development and meta-cognition inform the module throughout.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -All learning outcomes will have been met to a satisfactory level. Knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a satisfactory range of theory, practice and research literature. Candidates will have demonstrated satisfactory evidence of critical analysis when reflecting on teaching and learning.Students will have developed their study skills to a satisfactory standard and will be able to communicate to a satisfactory standard in a professional and academic context. -good -Most learning outcomes will have been met to a good level. Excellence in some learning outcomes may balance satisfactory attainment in others.A good knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by a good range of theory, practice and research literature.Candidates will provide good critical analysis when reflecting on a significant range of teaching and learning styles.Students will have developed their study skills to a good standard and will be able to communicate to a good standard in a professional and academic context. -excellent -Most learning outcomes will have been met to an excellent level and all learning outcomes will be at least good.A deep knowledge and understanding of the module content will be supported by an extensive range of theory, practice and research literature.Candidates will provide excellent critical analysis when reflecting on a wide range of teaching and learning styles.Students will have developed their study skills to an excellent standard and will be able to communicate to an excellent standard in a professional and academic context.
Learning Outcomes
- Critically analyse the concept of learner well-being, including pupil voice and safeguarding, from the perspectives of policy, research, theory and experiences in school
- Critically evaluate Welsh historical and cultural influences, legislative contexts and demographics, from the perspectives of current policy, research, theory and experiences in school;
- Critically examine a range of education theories, policy and research, including teaching and learning, pupil progression and motivation, and social and psychological development
- Critically examine how differentiation in the classroom affects inclusion and those with ALN from the perspectives of policy, research, theory and experiences in school.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Y Portffolio Cymraeg Rhan B Language teaching and learning pedagogy
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Y Portffolio Cymraeg Rhan C Social Use of the Welsh Language. Progression of personal Welsh Language skills. Evidence of applying & developing the language & literacy skills of learners. For further details of the assignment, refer to the handbook This is a pass/fail module
Due date
Assessment method
Case Study
Assessment type
Pupil support case study For details of the assignment, refer to the module handbook
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Part A Critical reflection (learning and teaching) For details of the assignment, refer to the module handbook
Due date
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
Y Portffolio Cymraeg Rhan A Identifying your own personal Welsh language skills according to the Language Competency Framework for Education Practitioners. *For further details of the assignment, refer to the handbook* This is a pass/fail module
Due date