Gwneud Cais Sut i wneud cais Ffioedd Dysgu Ôl-radd Edrychwch ar ein wybodaeth ffioedd dysgu Cofrestrwch eich diddordeb mewn astudiaeth Ôl-radd Cofrestrwch yma Modiwlau cwrs B7EF | MSC/PPHLPJMSC Prevention, Pop Health & Lead Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1 Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1 Students take all these modules ILA-4000 Work-based Dissertation (60) Core (Full Term) ILA-4001 Work-Based CPD (10) Core (Semester 1) ILA-4006 Creating a Learning Culture (10) Core (Semester 1) ILA-4008 Healthy Behaviour Change (10) Core (Semester 2) ILA-4007 Health Equity and Human Rights (10) Core (Semester 2) ILA-4011 Princ. of Prevention & Equity (10) Core (Semester 2) ILA-4014 Research methods (20) Core (Semester 2) ILA-4003 Work-Based Action Research (10) Core (Semester 2)