Modiwlau cwrs C8BT | MSC/MIND
MSc Mindfulness-Based Approaches (5yr)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
This stage reflects the modules that
comprise this programme. These modules can be taken across 3
to 5 years. The optional module can be taken alongside one
of the core modules (3-4 years), or on its own (5
Optional modules Two optional modules need to be taken,
and these can be taken alongside any core module (completing
the MA in three years), or you can study it in-between
taking the core modules (so taking 5 years to complete the
PMP-4008 Buddhist Background
(Full Term)
PMP-4003 Teaching 2
(Full Term)
PMP-4002 Mindfulness-Teaching 1
(Full Term)
PMP-4014 Mindfulness & the Brain
(Full Term)