Modiwl KAH-0004:
Foundation Project
Foundation Project 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Jennifer Bell
At the start of the module students will respond to feedback received on their research proposals in KAH-0003 and produce a revised version. They will complete the proposed research project over the course of the semester, supported by a supervisor from the chosen subject, practical workshops with the module leader, and reporting sessions with other students in which they will report on progress and provide peer-feedback. Practical workshops will focus on how to manage an independent research project, how to analyse and summarise data collected, and how to present the results in a project report making proper use of evidence.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -D- to D+* Has developed a basic level of factual and conceptual understanding of the subject; Reading/research is limited to that gained through class contact; * There is some evidence of analysis and evaluation, but work is mainly descriptive with an uncritical acceptance of information, and unsubstantiated opinions may be evident; Lack of logical development of an argument; * Shows a limited understanding of the application of research-informed literature or attempt to apply knowledge across situations; Responses may not be meaningful; * Structure is weak and/or inconsistent and lacking in sequential development; Mistakes in grammar or syntax; Immature style; Citations and bibliography poorly or inconsistently presented; Demonstrates few qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Some evidence of ability to collect appropriate data/ information and undertake straightforward research tasks with external guidance; * Can communicate in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s), but with evident weaknesses; * Can work effectively with others as a member of a group, and meet most obligations to others (e.g. tutors and peers); * Able to recognise own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others, but lacking insight in some areas;
-good -C- to C+* Has developed a sound understanding of the subject appropriate to this level; There is evidence of wider reading which goes beyond that gained from tutor contact; * Intelligent attempt at analysing and evaluating information; Well argued with appropriate amount of evidence, substantiated opinions are given; * Can apply knowledge of research-informed literature to different contexts and generate a range of responses to given situations; * Structure is coherent and logical showing progression to the argument; There are few mistakes in presentation or citation; Demonstrates qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Can collect and interpret appropriate data/ information and undertake straightforward research tasks with external guidance; * Can communicate effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s); * Can work effectively with others as a member of a group, and meet obligations to others (eg tutors and peers); * Able to evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills identified by others;
-excellent -__A- to A__ Has developed a broad factual and conceptual understanding of the subject relative to the level through extensive reading; * Has analysed and evaluated information using defined techniques & principles; Can collate and categorise ideas and information and can select what is relevant to support analysis and evaluation and develop a coherent argument, appropriate to the level of development; Has developed an early critical approach to information; * Can generate a range of appropriate responses to given problems, some of which may be innovative; good reference to and application of research –informed literature; * Well-organised presentation which develops flow and progression in a well-structured argument; Syntax/grammar indicates an appropriate level of maturity; Demonstrates a broad range of qualities and transferable skills required for employment; * Can collect and interpret appropriate data and successfully undertake research tasks with a degree of autonomy; * Can communicate very effectively in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s); * Can work very effectively with others as a member of a group, showing leadership skills where appropriate, and meet all obligations to others (eg tutors and peers);
Learning Outcomes
- Apply research methodologies, methods, and analytical techniques to a defined problem
- Collect and analyse data, form a conclusion and make practical recommendations
- Develop detailed knowledge and understanding of a specific topic in their discipline
- Plan and execute a research project appropriate to the problem under investigation
- Write a research report using appropriate style, voice, citation and referencing
Assessment method
Assessment type
Project report
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Research Log
Due date