Modiwlau cwrs N2AO | MSC/MANFIN
MSc Management and Finance
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
Compulsory Modules The student must take 90 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
ASB-4403 Int'l Financial Markets
(Semester 1)
ASB-4413 Int'l Strategic Management
(Semester 1)
ASB-4431 Organisations and People
(Semester 1)
ASB-4405 Multi'l Corporate Finance
(Semester 2)
ASB-4101 Research Methods
(Semester 2)
ASB-4010 New Venture Creation
(Semester 2)
Optional Modules The student must take 30 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
The student must take 30 credits from
the modules.
ASB-4125 Invstmt Strat & Portfolio Mgmt
(Semester 1)
ASB-4446 Financial Ethics & Regulation
(Semester 1)
ASB-4406 Financial Analysis
(Semester 2)
ASB-4030 Knowledge Management
(Semester 2)
Summer Modules The student must take 60 credits from
the modules.
September Start Students
The student must take 60 credits from
the modules.