Modiwl WXM-0002:
Language of Music
Language of Music 2024-25
School of Arts, Culture And Language
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Stephen Rees
This module has three main components: 1. it will develop your skills in musical theory, notation and harmony, and these aspects will be assessed by regularly set exercises; 2. it will allow you to take part in ensemble-based music-making, and this practice will be assessed by a reflective journal detailing your experiences; 3. it will introduce you to the academic study of music at university level, through seminar-based discussion of contemporary writings and an assessed final essay.
These complementary components form a stimulating module which opens the door to advanced musical study.
Principles of musical language: pitch, rhythm, metre. Principles of notation: pitch, rhythm, metre. Clefs: treble, bass (and rules for how to read the others). Keys and chromaticism. Tempo, dynamics and expression Basic principles of harmony (triads, inversions, voice-leading). Roman letter chord analysis. Basic principles of counterpoint (canon, imitation)
Assessment Strategy
-threshold (D) The student can read music satisfactorily with care, but not in tempo at sight. The student can demonstrate that they have a basic grasp of music as an academic discipline
-good (B) The student can read music accurately, and can do so in tempo at sight with only occasional errors. The student can demonstrate a good understanding of music as an academic discipline
-excellent (A) The student can read music accurately in tempo and at sight. The student can demonstrate an ability to apply original insight into music as a cultural phenomenon.
Learning Outcomes
- Interpret harmonic formations and music written on other clefs
- Perform confidently as a member of a large ensemble (or other ensemble as agreed in advance with the module coordinator).
- Read and write monodic music fluently using treble and bass clefs.
- Understand the principles behind the academic study and practice of music.
Assessment method
Logbook Or Portfolio
Assessment type
A portfolio of regular exercises in musical theory completed throughout the semester. Typically submitted after the Easter break.
Assessment method
Assessment type
Short Essay on a musical topic related to those discussed in the class. To be submitted on the first Monday of the semester 2 assessment period
Assessment method
Assessment type
A reflective logbook detailing the student's participation in ensemble rehearsals. To be submitted during the semester 2 assessment period