Gwybodaeth Cyswllt
Swydd: Swyddog Ymchwil mewn Ieithyddiaeth (Almaeneg)
Ffôn: +44 (0)1248 388230
Safle: 37-41 College Road
- PhD: Ieithyddiaeth
University College London, 2019 - MA: Ieithyddiaeth (Seinyddiaeth)
University College London, 2014 - BA: Ieithyddiaeth
- CyhoeddwydInvestigating the relationship between language exposure and explicit and implicit language attitudes towards Welsh and English
Gruffydd, I., Tamburelli, M., Breit, F. & Bagheri, H., Ion 2025, Yn: Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 44, 1, t. 79-106 28 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasgModelling language attitudes: Attitudinal measurements and linguistic behaviour in two bilingual communities
Tamburelli, M., Gruffydd, I., Breit, F. & Brasca, L., 7 Ion 2025, (Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasg) Yn: Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- E-gyhoeddi cyn argraffuA matter of strength: Language policy, attitudes, and linguistic dominance in three bilingual communities
Brasca, L., Tamburelli, M., Gruffydd, I. & Breit, F., 10 Tach 2024, (E-gyhoeddi cyn argraffu) Yn: Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasgPushing boundaries in the measurement of language attitudes: enhancing research practices with the L'ART Research Assistant app
Breit, F., Tamburelli, M., Gruffydd, I. & Brasca, L., 22 Tach 2024, (Wedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasg) Yn: Linguistics Beyond and Within. 10
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydElements, Government and Licensing: Developments in phonology
Breit, F. (Golygydd), Yoshida, Y. (Golygydd) & Youngberg, C. (Golygydd), Awst 2023, London: UCL Press.
Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydL’ART Research Assistant
Breit, F. (Datblygwr), Tamburelli, M. (Datblygwr) & Gruffydd, I. (Arall), 3 Mai 2023
Allbwn ymchwil: Ffurf annhestunol › Meddalwedd - CyhoeddwydMelody and segmental representation: a brief introduction
Breit, F., 14 Awst 2023, Elements, Government and Licensing: Developments in phonology. Breit, F., Yoshida, Y. & Youngberg, C. (gol.). UCL Press
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydPrimitives of Phonological Structure
Breit, F. (Golygydd), Botma, B. (Golygydd), van 't Veer, M. (Golygydd) & van Oostendorp, M. (Golygydd), 9 Meh 2023, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 400 t. (Oxford Studies in Phonology and Phonetics)
Allbwn ymchwil: Llyfr/Adroddiad › Llyfr › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydPrinciples and parameters in phonology: an introduction and overview
Youngberg, C., Yoshida, Y. & Breit, F., 14 Awst 2023, Elements, Government and Licensing: Developments in phonology. Breit, F., Yoshida, Y. & Youngberg, C. (gol.). UCL Press
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydProsodic structure and recursion: a brief introduction
Youngberg, C. & Breit, F., 14 Awst 2023, Elements, Government and Licensing: Developments in phonology. Breit, F., Yoshida, Y. & Youngberg, C. (gol.). London: UCL Press
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - CyhoeddwydSets of (sets of) elements
Breit, F., 14 Awst 2023, Elements, Government and Licensing: Developments in phonology. Breit, F., Yoshida, Y. & Youngberg, C. (gol.). London: UCL Press
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Heb ei GyhoeddiThe L' ART Research Assistant: A digital toolkit for bilingualism and language attitude research
Breit, F., Tamburelli, M., Gruffydd, I. & Brasca, L., 4 Mai 2023, (Heb ei Gyhoeddi).
Allbwn ymchwil: Papur gweithio › Papur Gwaith - CyhoeddwydThe structure and content of phonological primitives
van 't Veer, M., Botma, B., Breit, F. & van Oostendorp, M., 9 Meh 2023, Primitives of Phonological Structure. Breit, F., Botma, B., van 't Veer, M. & van Oostendorp, M. (gol.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, t. 1-36 (Oxford Studies in Phonology and Phonetics).
Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion Cynhadledd › Pennod › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydDiscussion of Scheer, T. "On the lexical character of intermodular communication"
Breit, F., 2020, Yn: Radical: A Journal of Phonology. 1, t. 229-239
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Sylw/Dadl
- CyhoeddwydMelodic heads, saliency, and strength in voicing and nasality
Breit, F., 29 Medi 2017, Yn: Glossa. 2, 1, 35 t., 85.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid - Heb ei GyhoeddiThe Distribution of English Isograms in Google Ngrams and the British National Corpus
Breit, F., 2017, (Heb ei Gyhoeddi) Yn: Opticon1826. 28 t.
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- CyhoeddwydReview of S.J. Hannahs’ (2013) The Phonology of Welsh
Breit, F. & Harris, J., 2014, Yn: Phonology. 31, 2, t. 338-346
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Adolygiad Llyfr/Ffilm/Erthygl
- CyhoeddwydVoice–Nasality Interaction and Headedness in Voiceless Nasals
Breit, F., 2013, University College London, t. 1, 22 t. (UCL Working Papers in Linguistics; Cyfrol 25).
Allbwn ymchwil: Papur gweithio › Papur Gwaith
- CyhoeddwydA Survey of Young British People’s Attitudes towards learning the UK's regional languages
Breit, F., 2012, Yn: Début: the Undergraduate Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. 3, 1, t. 59-78
Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Mwy na thafodiaith: golwg ar ddyfodol yr Eifeler Platt
Sut cefnogech gynnal ieithoedd cymunedol? Beth ydych ymchwil yn ei ddweud wrth ddyfodol yr Eifeler Platt?
Gan gyfuno’r ymchwil diweddaraf a chyfraniadau gwrandawyr, teithiwn â chi drwy gwestiynau hanfodol sy’n ymwneud â bywiogrwydd a chynhaliaeth yr Eifeler Platt yn Nwyrain Gwlad Belg.
Gwrandewch ar arbenigwyr y pwnc a chysylltwch â selogion ieithoedd a thafodieithoedd.
14 Maw 2025
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Trefnydd)
- Mwy na iaith: cipolwg ar ddyfodol y Gymraeg
Sut mae cynnal iaith yn llwyddiannus? Beth all ymchwil ei ddweud wrthym am ddyfodol y Gymraeg?
Gan gyfuno’r ymchwil diweddaraf a chyfraniadau rhyngweithiol gan y gynulleidfa, bydd Mwy na iaith: Cipolwg ar ddyfodol y Gymraeg yn mynd â chi ar daith drwy rai o’r cwestiynau hanfodol sy’n ymwneud â bywiogrwydd iaith a’i chynhaliaeth.
Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad rhad ac am ddim ac yn gyfle gwych i glywed gan arbenigwyr pwnc a rhwydweithio gyda chyd-selogion iaith.
13 Tach 2024
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Darlith/trafodaeth/seminar gyhoeddus (Cyfrannwr) - The interaction of policy, attitudes, and vitality: evidence from three bilingual communities
Paper presented at the International Congress of Linguists 2024 in Poznań:
Active language policy and the fostering or maintenance of positive attitudes are fundamental
components in the prevention of language shift (e.g. Fishman, 1990). This, together with recent
methodological developments in sociolinguistics (Kircher & Zipp, 2022) calls for a more holistic approach to the measurement of language attitudes and their relationship with exposure levels. In this paper, we present three large studies investigating the relationship between early exposure, language attitudes, and different bilingual language policies in three European communities where a minority/endangered language co‐exists with a sociolinguistically dominant language.
The bilingual communities under investigation are Lombard‐Italian in Italy, Moselle Franconian‐German in Belgium, and Welsh‐English in Wales, exemplifying fundamentally different types of language policy as well as systematic variation in both opportunities for and amount of early exposure. The Welsh language receives full socio‐political recognition, and there exist ample opportunities for people to be exposed to Welsh either in the family or broader community. Lombard, on the other hand, is in a situation of benign neglect, not benefitting from any active policy and with rather scarce opportunities for exposure except for those who grow up in a predominantly Lombard‐speaking family. Moselle Franconian is somewhat in between: while not officially recognised, its speakers are considered a German‐speaking minority. Importantly, however, due to a situation of diglossia (Ferguson, 1959), it is
Moselle‐Franconian – rather than German – that is regularly spoken in daily communication, hence providing ample opportunities for early exposure.
To investigate the relationship between these different sociolinguistic situations and the effect they may have on speakers’ attitudes, we collected data from 338 participants aged between 24‐36 years, employing three different methodologies that varied in degree of explicitness: the Attitudes towards Languages Questionnaire (Schoel et al., 2012), the Matched Guise Technique (Lambert et al., 1960), and the Implicit Association Test (Greenwald et al., 1998).
Data from each method will be investigated in relation to several indicators of early exposure
collected through a linguistic background questionnaire, as well as to extralinguistic variables – notably gender – while attitude dimensions such as status and solidarity will also be explored.
Preliminary results suggest potential links between bilingual language policy and speakers’
attitudes, with possible interactions between types of exposure and some of the attitude scores. This research can provide insight into how different policies may affect language attitudes, and the role of early exposure as potential mediator.
8 Medi 2024
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - The interaction of policy, attitudes, and vitality: evidence from three bilingual communities
Invited talk presented at the UCL Linguistics Seminar
6 Medi 2024
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr gwadd) - Investigating the relationship between early exposure and explicit and implicit attitudes towards Welsh and English
This paper explored the relationship between early language exposure and the language attitudes of Welsh-English speakers in north-west Wales.
Our findings indicate the importance of early language exposure in forming implicit attitudes, which suggests that increased means of exposure, particularly beyond educational contexts, should receive more attention in Welsh language policy and planning, and more generally in minority language situations where a good level of educations use has been established.
12 Gorff 2024
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - Measuring and modelling language attitudes: Comparisons across two bilingual communities
Speakers’ attitudes are considered a fundamental barometer for the vitality of a language (e.g., UNESCO, 2003). This, together with findings that implicit attitudes are generally stronger predictors of habitual and spontaneous behaviour (e.g., Perugini, 2005), raises two core questions: (1) which types
of attitudes and thus which attitude measurements are better predictors of language usage? (2) to what extent do different language policies feed different types of speakers’ attitudes? We explored these questions by measuring rates of spontaneous language usage and comparing them with attitudinal results from two methods that vary in degrees of implicitness: the Matched Guise Technique (Lambert et al., 1960) and the Implicit Association Test (Greenwald, McGhee & Schwartz, 1998) across two bilingual communities whose regional/minority languages receive radically different degrees of sociopolitical recognition: Lombard–Italian (Italy) and Welsh–English (UK). Results from 163 participants
aged between 24–36 years show that usage rates correlate with MGT status scores for Lombard but not for Welsh. The reverse holds for IAT scores, correlating with usage rates for Welsh but not Lombard.
We propose that these findings can be understood in view of the different socio-political support associated with the two languages: while strong support for Welsh led to its use becoming habitual and thus able to be captured by implicit attitude measurements, the use of Lombard has been discouraged for decades, and therefore younger speakers who choose to use it are making a more deliberate, conscious decision, resulting in behaviour that corelates with the less implicit measurements of the MGT. These results have important implications for the study of language attitudes, particularly for the measurement of attitudes as a proxy for language vitality. Specifically, they suggest that the degree to which an attitudinal measurement can predict linguistic behaviour depends partly on the social and political circumstances of the language at issue.
12 Meh 2024 – 16 Meh 2024
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - Attitude asymmetry in bilingual communities reflects differences in socio-political recognition between majority and minority/endangered languages: Evidence from three European communities.
Paper presented at VALS-ASLA 2024:
Asymmetries and inequalities between major languages and regional/minority/endangered languages are often reflected in – as well as a consequence of – language policy and the linguistic attitudes held by speakers of those languages (e.g., Fishman, 1991; Trudgill, 1992; UNESCO, 2003). In this paper, we present two large studies investigating the relationship between language attitudes and different levels of socio-political recognition in three European communities where a minority/endangered language co-exists in an asymmetric relationship with a sociolinguistically dominant language.
The communities under investigation are Lombard-Italian speakers in Italy, Moselle Franconian-German speakers in Belgium, and Welsh-English speakers in Wales. These communities are markedly different in terms of their language policies and the degrees of socio-political recognition of their minority/endangered language. In Wales, the Welsh language enjoys full socio-political recognition and strong public support (e.g. Baker, 2003); in the Eifel region of Belgium, while Moselle Franconian does not enjoy direct recognition, its speakers are a recognised linguistic minority, albeit it as German speaking, with Moselle-Franconian indirectly supported as a closely-related variety of German (Möller, 2017); meanwhile, despite a mention in a regional law, Lombard does not feature among the languages that the Italian government deems worthy of protection, and as such does not benefit from any active policy (Coluzzi, 2007; Coluzzi et al., 2018).
To investigate the potential inequalities that emerge from the different socio-political situations across the three bilingual communities, we collected data from a total of 235 participants aged between 24-36 years employing two different methodologies. This resulted in the collection of attitudinal measurements that varied in degree of explicitness: the Attitudes Towards Language Questionnaire (AToL, Schoel et al., 2013) measured explicit/overt language attitudes, while an adaptation of the Matched Guise Technique (MGT, Lambert, Gardner and Fillenbaum, 1960) measured less overt and more indirect attitudes towards the communities’ languages via the speaker-evaluation paradigm.
Results from the AToL suggest a link between degree of socio-political recognition and overall overt attitude, with Welsh scoring higher than both Moselle Franconian and Lombard, and Moselle-Franconian scoring higher than Lombard.
The link between degree of socio-political recognition and attitudes is further supported by the MGT results, where an interaction between community and attitude score suggests that the attitudes held towards each language type (i.e., majority language vs minority language) depend on the community, with Wales and Belgium scoring the minority/endangered language more positively than the majority language, while Lombardy shows the opposite trend.
Analyses of the solidarity and status components of the MGT show that consistent language policy (e.g., in Wales) is strongly reflected in speakers’ attitudes, while the type of “benign neglect” (e.g., Fishman, 2004: 115) we see in Lombardy tends to continually encourage negative attitudes towards the endangered language, perpetuating asymmetries and possibly accelerating endangerment.
12 Chwef 2024 – 13 Chwef 2024
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr)
- Toward a metric estimating the impact of initial consonant mutation on neutralisation and contrastivity: a Welsh case study
Paper presented at the 2023 Western Conference on Linguistics: Initial syllable faithfulness is a well-established and strong bias against alternations affecting the left edge of the word (e.g. Trubetzkoy 1939, Steriade 1994, Beckman 1998, Casali 1998, Alber 2001, Smith 2002, Barnes 2002, Becker et al. 2012). This is reflected in the disproportionally important role word onsets play in word recognition (Beckman 1998, Smith 2002). As Smith (2002) argues, such initial alternations must, if anything, improve recognisability, e.g. by increasing prominence for the parser.
11 Tach 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - Pushing boundaries in the measurement of language attitudes: Combining new technology and standardising practice
Paper presented at Linguistics Beyond and Within 2023:
Speakers’ attitudes are considered a fundamental barometer for the current and future vitality of a language, with recent work emphasising the importance of methodological developments (Kircher & Zipp, 2022). This, together with the growing concern surrounding the replicability of results across the social sciences, including in linguistics (Grieve, 2021), calls for urgent developments in research practices, including the adoption of more consistent and comparable implementations of method. In this paper, we present a series of studies conducted using a newly developed digital application for the collection, storage and transfer of data for research in multilingualism and language attitudes, specifically designed for research in bilingual populations who speak a majority language and a regional/minority/heritage language. This application offers the fundamental benefit of enhancing consistency and comparability within and across studies, which also improves reproducibility, for example by ensuring that presentation of stimuli for a speaker evaluation paradigm (Lambert et al., 1960) is more strictly controlled both across participants and across studies. As the source code is publicly available and version-controlled, other researchers can easily view and reconstruct tasks exactly as they were administered. The application was recently employed across three European communities whose regional/minority languages receive radically different degrees of socio-political recognition: Lombard (Italy), Moselle Franconian (Belgium), and Welsh (UK).Our results reveal fundamental differences in attitude scores depending on measurement type (questionnaire vs. speaker evaluation paradigm). Besides reinforcing the view that different measurements are likely to tap on different attitudinal constructs (e.g., Pantos, 2019), these results also suggest that different measurement methods may gather data on different attitude objects. We argue that this highlights a need for a more holistic approach to the measurement of language attitudes, where a battery of tests – as opposed to a single measure – should become the norm, as it has done in other research areas.
13 Hyd 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - A matter of strength: Language policy, attitudes, and linguistic dominance in three bilingual communities
Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education
12 Hyd 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - New developments in documenting attitudes in minority and heritage language situations: an Italian case-study
Paper presented at Documenting languages, Documenting Cultures 2023. The conference focuses on the topic of language documentation from the various perspectives offered by different ‘minority’ situations (migrant languages, minority languages, dialects). Its aim is to provide an interdisciplinary look at a topic which is today the focus of renewed interest, both in epistemological and theoretical terms.
6 Hyd 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr) - Beth rydych yn ei feddwl go iawn am y Gymraeg?
Cyflwyniad allgymorth cyhoeddus yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llŷn ac Eifionydd 2023
12 Awst 2023
Gweithgaredd: Mathau o waith ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gwaith maes - Gŵyl/Arddangosfa (Siaradwr) - Eastern Generative Grammar Summer School
Taught an advanced course on the Morphosyntax-Phonology Interface and an Introduction to Melodic Representation.
24 Gorff 2023 – 5 Awst 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cymryd rhan mewn gweithdy, seminar, cwrs Academaidd (Siaradwr gwadd) - New avenues in collecting attitudinal data on regional/minority languages: the case of Welsh
Paper presented at the Welsh Linguistics Seminar
27 Meh 2023
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr) - Quantity in North Welsh disyllables: Between Phonology and Phonetics
Paper presented at Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics
24 Meh 2023
Gweithgaredd: Cyflwyniad llafar (Siaradwr)
- Synchronic and diachronic arguments for a trigger-centric approach to Welsh initial consonant mutation
Paper presented at the Bilbao Morpho-Phonology Circle
27 Ion 2021
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr gwadd)
- A strictly modular perspective on Initial Consonant Mutation in Welsh
Paper presented at Séminaire P3 (Phonétique, Phonologie, Prosodie) at Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nantes, CNRS/Université de Nantes
16 Mai 2019
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr gwadd) - Reconciling Mutation and Modularity in Welsh
Paper presented at the Atelier de phonologie, Laboratoire Sturcures Formelles du Langage, CNRS/Paris 8
15 Mai 2019
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr gwadd)
- Welsh mutation for strict modularists
Paper presented at the UConn LingLunch
24 Ebr 2018
Gweithgaredd: Sgwrs wadd (Siaradwr gwadd)