Pontio a Phrif Adeilad y Celfyddydau Prifysgol Bangor


  23 Gorffennaf 2024 – 25 Gorffennaf 2024

  Prifysgol Bangor, Bangor, Gogledd Cymru, LL57 2DG

  Tony Claydon t.claydon@bangor.ac.uk 

13:45 Darlith Lawn (Darlithfa 4)

Martin Dzelzainis: Four Elegies and a Funeral: negotiating the Restoration

Cadeirydd: Tom Corns

15:00 Te (Darlithfa 2)

15:30 Paneli

Reconciliation and its failure in Restoration literature (Darlithfa 4)

Helen Wilcox 'Violated Vows ... never go unpunished': the failure of reconciliation in Behn's prose fiction.

Tom Corns: Paradise Lost: reconciliation (and resistance) of sorts.

Laura Knoppers: “My Wife, My Traitress”: Milton’s Unreconciled Samson.

Cadeirydd: Achsah Guibbory

Reconciliation and the succession settlements post 1689 (Darlithfa 3)

Jeremy Collier and non-juring literature

Nigel Aston: Before the ‘Venetian oligarchy’: the failure to establish a cross-party ministry, 1714-15

Austen Saunders: Non-juror book collecting

Cadeirydd: I'w gadarnhau

17:00 Diwedd y paneli – egwyl er mwyn cofrestru ar gyfer llety

18:45 Bwffe (Ystafell Cledwyn 3 - i'r rhai sydd wedi archebu)

20:15 Panel Llawn

 Trafodaeth o dan arweiniad Alys Brown, a Martin Frampton, Clive Glaser.

Cadeirydd: Tony Claydon

21:45 Diwedd

08:30 Brecwast ysgafn a choffi ar gael yn Neuadd Powis.

09:15 Darlith Lawn (Darlithfa 4)

William Pettigrew: ‘Royal African Companies: Trading in Enslaved Africans to Unify Restoration Society’.

Cadeirydd: David Veevers

10:30 Coffi (Darlithfa 2)

11:00 Paneli

Reconciliation in the 1660s (Darlithfa 4)

David Appleby: 

Tristram Griffin: ‘Popular Royalism: reconciliation, celebration and/or revenge in Restoration media’.

 “Repairing the Breach: Reconciliation and Unity in Restoration Sermons.”

Cadeirydd: I'w gadarnhau

Reconciliation in and beyond Europe (Darlithfa 3)

David Veevers: Peace-making and reconciliation in the Indian Ocean

Dr William White (Prifysgol Hertfordshire) Peace-making and reconciliation in the British Atlantic 

Haig Smith: The 1684 abolition of the Massachusetts Bay Company

Cadeirydd: I'w gadarnhau

12:30 Cinio (Neuadd Powis)

13:30 Darlith Lawn (Darlithfa 4)

Alasdair Raffe: Reconciliation and Fragmentation in Scottish Protestantism, 1660-1715

Cadeirydd: Tony Claydon

14:45 Te (Darlithfa 2)

15:15 Paneli

Religion and reconciliation – part one (Darlithfa 4)

Tim Cooper: Richard Baxter, William Johnson, and the Failure of Reconciliation.

Ben Sharpe: Danby and the 1675 Test Act

Cadeirydd: I'w gadarnhau

Religion and reconciliation – part one (Darlithfa 3)

Mark Knights: Reconciliation and Division in the Life and Work of James Boevey, Merchant-Philosopher.

Hannah Straw: Reconciling Rochester: Reevaluating Gilbert Burnet’s Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester

Cadeirydd: I'w gadarnhau

16:15 Egwyl o ddeg munud

16:25 Paneli

Reconciliation and letters (part 2) (Darlithfa 4)

Anna Pravdica: Honesty, Hypocrisy, and Radical Belief in Post-Restoration England. 

David Fletcher: Reconciliation and religious coexistence in new plays after the Glorious Revolution.

Cadeirydd fel rhan un

Reconciliation and religion (part 2) (Darlithfa 3)

Thomas Clifton: Reviewing, Rewriting, and Reconciling Spiritual Identity in Elizabeth Delaval’s Meditations and Memoirs

Cadeirydd fel rhan un

17:25 Diwedd y paneli

19:00 Cinio (i'r rhai sydd wedi archebu - Neuadd Fwyta Reichel)

08:30 Coffi a brecwast ysgafn ar gael yn Neuadd Powis

09:15 Darlith Lawn (Darlithfa 4)

Valerie Rumbold (Birmingham): Awkward print: making the unreconciled Swift

10:30 Coffi (Darlithfa 2)

11:00 Paneli

Responses to the restoration in Britain (Darlithfa 4)

Waseem Ahmed (UCL) The Politics of Survival: ‘Monarchical Cromwellians and the use of apology tracts at the Restoration

Dr Gabriel Glickman (University of Cambridge) Migration of political dissidents at the Restoration 

Ian Atherton: The Restoration of Cathedrals in the Church of England: Reconciliation and Division in the 1660s

Cadeirydd: Grant Tapsell

Aphra Behn and reconciliation (Darlithfa 3)

Elaine Hobby, ‘“Sir, I'le be reconcil'd to you on one condition” (Aphra Behn, The Rover (1677): Aphra Behn’s Reconciliations’

Dominic Boden-Tebbutt, ‘Wealth, hypochondria, and medical advancement in Molière’s Le malade imaginaire and Aphra Behn’s Sir Patient Fancy’

Marcus Nevitt, 'Commonplace Behn: Reading Printed Drama in the 1680s'.

12:30 Cinio (Neuadd Powis)

Y prifadeilad wedi ei oleu gyda'r nos


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