Why Bangor?
I learnt about Bangor University from a webpage which displayed academic positions. Attracted by the research scope, good achievements of supervisors and advanced labs, I submitted my application right away. Luckily, I was accepted to be a student here.
The International Ambassador Scheme
International Ambassador scheme helps students get to know campus life, organises activities to get to know locals and supports international students if they have any difficulties. New incoming international students can get to know campus life and get advice from International Ambassadors. On the other hand, International Ambassadors can meet new friends and learn about different cultures. The joy of helping people is my motivation to be an international ambassador.
The most difficult thing about being an International Student
I think the most difficult thing is facing some loneliness and the inconvenience at the time of not being in good health. It is important to register with a doctor when you arrive so you can get treatment if you do become sick.
The Course
I am studying the nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor lasers. This research has reshaped the modern society and have wide applications such as 5G communication, security protection and random signal generation. I can feel I am at the frontier of new technology and contributing a part to make life better.
The Lecturers
Bangor's Computer Science and Electronic Engineering School has a strong research ability team and advanced labs. Lectures are always friendly and willing to help. They are supportive not only in academics but also mental health and future plans.
Clubs and Societies
I have been to the fencing club and the debating club. I enjoy outdoor activities. I love to travel, go hiking and swim. I am open minded and like to try new things.
Bangor and the area
The best thing is the environmental landscape. In good weather, you can enjoy astonishing views of the sunset from 'Roman Camp' or Bangor Mountain. The mountains and the sea can be touched within walking distance. Leaving the lovely sea and mountains and friendly people would be tough if I leave. I will miss the gentle breeze from the Menai Strait, the stunning view of the sunset and all the happy times I spend with my friends.
Support from the University
The university has helped me a lot in many ways, especially in the period of the pandemic. During the pandemic, university staff have given us strong support. The tutors always check to see if I am in good and physical health. The international student support office helps us follow the new regulations on Visa policies. Their help made the difficult pandemic time easier.
Advice for new International students
The time at university could be one of best periods in life, you would not regret to spend your time at Bangor University. It sets students a good platform to learn, to try and to be challenged. So, work hard and play hard, you will get a wonderful experience here.
The Future
I hope I can finish my doctoral study soon and after that, I may work in the industrial field or academic field depending on the opportunities available to me.