Why Bangor
I came to Bangor University for the first time in 2017 to study a master’s degree in International Media and Management, a course perfectly covering the modules I was looking for and I was also offered various scholarships for my study. I came across Bangor University on the internet as I was looking for master’s courses in the UK and found that the University is well-reputed. other than this, I had also chosen Bangor because of its beautiful location and a peaceful, friendly environment. The university also has very good quality of education, teaching, accommodation and proper access to resources.
The International Mentor Scheme
The scheme helps and supports all the existing and new International students at Bangor University to create a caring, friendly environment for them and to minimise any issues they might face. This involves helping the new students to come and settle in Bangor. International Mentors also represent the University on an International level. I wanted to become an Ambassador in order to provide help and support to all International students and to create a secure environment for them in the UK. Also, it would give me a chance to represent Bangor University and reach out to prospective International students through various activities.
What is the most difficult thing about being an International Student?
Probably the most difficult thing that International students might face in the beginning is moving into a country far away from their loved ones and their own familiar environment, causing culture shocks and difficulty communicating verbally because of language accent differences. But the good thing is all these difficulties ease with time and living in a new country is a great experience.
The Course
The best thing about my PhD is that I get to conduct thorough research in a field that I am really interested, and I can take my research on any route I want to. My PhD’s research is based on the marketing strategies of the musicians in a niche market, where I get to explore the beautiful Welsh music scene.
The Lecturers
The school of Music and Media at Bangor University is one of the reputed Media schools in the UK. The school has excellent lecturers, labs, training facilities and research supervision. It offers various courses including creative writing, journalism, film making, gaming and music: everything the students need to boost their creativity.
Clubs and Societies
I love to be a part of various societies as they provide the chance to socialise with new people and indulge in something that someone really likes, apart from studies. I have been a part of various cultural societies where I get to meet people from different countries of the world and other societies of specific interest including BRAMAS (Bangor Rock and Metal Appreciation Society). I am also involved in various volunteering activities organised by the Students Union, including beach cleaning and litter picking activities.
Bangor and the area
The scenery and the peaceful environment, far away from the hustle and bustle of crowded cities.
The best thing about Bangor
The classes and workshops, group work, late night assignment deadlines, various extracurricular events and trips, my lecturers, tutors, supervisors and mostly, my beloved friends and all the wonderful people I have met.
Support from the University
The University has been extremely supportive since my first day. I can easily reach out to my personal tutor and the various student services and they quickly respond and help me to solve any issues that I face.
Advice to new international students
Bangor is a beautiful place and the University is amazing. You’ll surely have a great time studying here and meeting new people from across the world.
The future
After completing my PhD, I would like to work in academia, including further research and teaching.