Why Bangor
My dream was to go abroad for my further education and the first country that came to my mind was the UK. Furthermore, I did my research and found out that the Psychology department at Bangor was in the top 15 throughout the whole UK. Moreover, I noticed that the location was pretty good, as from one side you have the Irish Sea, and from the other – Snowdonia National park. In addition, the numerous awards won by the University made me confident that Bangor is the place for me.
The most difficult thing about being an International Student
Living in another country surely brings a lot of changes. From speaking a different language, to dealing with a different currency, constantly trying to adapt into the new culture, even climate and trying to get accepted. Leaving home means leaving your family and friends for a longer period, learning how to cook and take care of yourself. However, I am very glad I managed to find so many new friends and I have my own ‘’British family’’ here. Welsh people and the international students at Bangor are very friendly folks. In general, being an international student is like going to the ‘’Army of Life’’, hard in the beginning, but extremely beneficial in the end.
The Course
The best thing for sure is the flexibility of the course, as you have enough time to get ready with your studies and coursework throughout the week. In addition to this, Bangor has a lot of the important technology that a psychologist/neuroscientist needs. It was an amazing opportunity to examine a real human brain in my first year. Even as an undergraduate student, each of us has their third and final year for choosing modules, and basically set the first steps into their specific field within Psychology.
The Lecturers
What I found exciting was the fact that each semester I have a lecturer either from Wales, the UK, Europe and from another continent altogether. That is an amazing opportunity as you can sense the teaching strategies from all around the globe. What else I find incredible is the fact that whenever you need help, you just email your lecturers and they will answer you in minutes by email or even – a phone call. They are always happy to help you with everything they can.
Clubs and Societies
Bangor University is the most awarded university in Wales for clubs and societies opportunities. Currently, I am the president of the Bulgarian society, but I constantly discover and take part in different clubs and societies. On the webpage of the University you can find a section dedicated to the clubs and societies, and from there I personally picked a couple of sport clubs each semester and I am still trying as many international societies as possible.
Bangor and the area
For me it is the beautiful scenery and location of Bangor. There is no air pollution, people are friendly, it is cheaper in comparison to other parts of the country and is incredible how people are trying their best to save the local language – Welsh (Cymraeg). Another good point for living in Bangor is the fact that everything is a walkable distance, so you will save money from public transport.
The best thing about Bangor
I believe that Bangor made me a better human being, because it made me realize what is important in life and what is not. I will miss the whole experience, and even the hard moments, every single moment from being here. I will miss the slow pace of life, the mountains, the parks, the libraries and even the crazy weather.
Support from the University
It is very supportive. I have never had a single problem that has not been solved by whoever I turned to. That is why the satisfaction rate of the university is among the best in the UK.
Advice for new International Students
Prepare all your important documents beforehand and follow all advice from the university. You are beginning an amazing change in your life, which at first might be scary. Prepare for the weather, as climate is an important factor that newcomers can underestimate. However, come with confidence and open-mindedness, because you will have so many new opportunities, not only for studying, but entertaining yourself. Try to make your best life experience.
The Future
My plan from before was to come to the UK for my undergraduate and to continue with my postgraduate somewhere else in Europe/ the World. However, due to the amazing experience I had here I might decide to stay for my master’s degree. However, I would like to go back to Bulgaria one day, so I can apply my Neuropsychological experience there.